development process, departments evaluated fee structures and rates for market comparability, value for services provided, and cost recovery, where appropriate. Changes in these fees for service have been recommended and are illustrated in the User Fee Schedule included in the budget document. o Moderate changes to some development fees that includes an annual update to the parkland payment in lieu (Multi-family) per unit rate and updates to inspection permit fees. o Overall, Parks and Recreation fees reflected in the budget are reviewed regularly and are periodically adjusted for market rate fluctuations outside of the annual budget review cycle. Some feemodifications for MAFC and the newSenior Center are incorporated in this budget.

Operational Expenditures

Expenditures have been categorized into major types and focus areas to assist in review of budget requests in the Budget Priorities summary narrative to provide detail and justification.

✓ Vehicle Replacements ✓ Smart Cities Initiatives ✓ Facility Repairs and Maintenance (Collective Essential and Necessary Needs) ✓ Bond Issuance Costs ✓ Sustainability Program Initiatives ✓ Public Work Safety Initiatives (Collective Essential and Necessary Needs) ✓ Information Technology Equipment Replacements (Collective Essential and Necessary Needs)

Significant FY 2023 operational requests (> $100,000) include:

✓ Smart Shuttle Operations Cost Increases ✓ Sustainability Master Plan Base Budget Increase ✓ Equipment Leases ✓ Property Rental Increases ✓ Software Technology Leases

Smaller but recurring allocations required in FY2023 include:

✓ Smart Shuttle Bus Node Construction ✓ Equipment Replacements ✓ UDO Text Amendment/Land Use Plan Additional Costs

Notable one-time budget requests include:

✓ Public Safety/Public Works Radio Replacements ✓ Dog Park Design/Construction ✓ Shiloh Park Renovation (including the Basketball Court)

Significant FY2023 capital budget requests include:

✓ International Drive Extension ✓ Sidewalk Improvements Design ✓ Intersection Improvements Phase I


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