Section 12. Pay & Merit Plans A. Fiscal Year 2023 a merit pay benefit for all Staff. Merit awards for FY2023 Performance Evaluation Rating remain the same as FY 2022 to be 3%, 4.5% and 6% for Meets Expectations, Exceeds Expectations and Far Exceeds Expectations, accordingly. The average anticipated merit is projected at 4.5% overall. B. Job Classification adjustments resulting from the one-third annual review of positions include recognized market condition adjustments to classification. Many of the psoitions in these departments will be upgraded by 1-2 pay grades to remain current within the regional market. C. Provides for a 2% market conditions pay adjustment for all full-time and part-time regular 30-hour employees to reflect significant inflationary changes in the economy and to retain market competitiveness within the regional employee market. D. There is hereby established an authorized Fiscal Year 2023 Pay Grade Classification Schedule describing the approved positions, classifications, grades, and pay ranges as referenced in the Additional Information Section. The schedule includes an overall adjustment to the grade pay ranges of 3%. Salaries for existing employees that fall below the new minimum for their designated pay grade will be automatically adjusted to the minimum prior to adjustments to other changes and/or merit awards. E. There is hereby established an authorized Fiscal Year 2023 Town of Morrisville Part-time Pay Plan describing the approved position classifications, grades, and pay rates ranges as referenced in the Additional Information Section. Rates for various position have been adjusted based on peer community assessment and economic conditions to improve recruitment. F. Stipends for Town Council will be adjusted annually at the same effective percentage increase as the Town’s full -time employees. Section 13. Federally Forfeited Property (DAG-71) As it is the intent of any Federally Forfeited Property to enhance law enforcement, these funds have increased and not supplemented the departmental budget and all interest earned on said funds will also be utilized for law enforcement purposes. All forfeiture funds are hereby appropriated when received and any remaining audit identified funds at fiscal year-end may be re-appropriated back to the Police Department’s budget. Section 14. Purchase Orders & Capital Outlay All purchase orders will be pre-audited in accordance with the Local Government Budget and Fiscal Control Act and issued on all purchases over five-thousand dollars ($5,000) including capital outlay purchases. Section 15. Retirement Funds As it is the intent of the Town to maintain and keep current the liability of both the LEO Separation Allowance Fund and the Retirement Healthcare Fund (OPEB), these funds will be transferred monthly from the General Fund as accumulated within the payroll accrual database. Section 16. Healthcare Premium Fund As it is the intent of the Town tomaintain andmanage the cost of rising healthcare and dental premiums, the Town will transfer anticipated employer healthcare and dental cost annually from the General Fund and direct accumulated employee contributions from the payroll system to a sub-fund of the General
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