CIP Project Summary by Category This is a brief summary of each project (active or concept) within the CIP Program. The CIP is scheduled for a major update during FY2023 that will reassess all projects, prioritization, and policy.

Bicycle & Pedestrian

Crabtree Hatcher Creek Greenway Loop



Unfunded Project Concept

Location: Along Crabtree Crossing Parkway from Morrisville Parkway to Crabtree Hatcher Creek Greenway

Strategic Plan Goal: Improved Transportation Mobility

Brief Scope & Justification: Improve greenway connectivity and non-vehicular transportation from Crabtree Hatcher Creek Greenway, a 50mile extension along Crabtree Crossing fromMorrisville Parkway to current stub - within existing ROW. This would be an 8 to 10 foot wide path. Serves the interest of mobility and connectivity.This would be an east side of road service enhancement. There is an existing sidewalk service on west side of road.

Sawmill Creek Greenway



Future Debt Obligation

Location: Between Church Street and NC54 - west side of railroad tracks

Strategic Plan Goal: Improved Transportation Mobility

Brief Scope & Justification: To improve pedestrian options and expand greenway system to connect Town Center to Indian Creek Trailhead and to Crabtree Hatcher Creek Greenway. Close proximity to Historic Church parking lot. Potential grant opportunities may be possible. Potential development land dedication. Develop 1.75 miles of greenway trail running north to south along the Sawmill Creek stream and rail corridor. This will enhance greenway trail network and connectivity to other greenway systems. The stream restoration tributary stormwater project must be completed ahead of the greenway construction.

Sidewalk Connectivity & NCDOT Project Betterments*



Bond Proceeds

Location: Various Phases Prioritized Sidewalks Segments Across Town

Strategic Plan Goal: Improved Transportation Mobility; Thriving and Livable Neighborhoods

Brief Scope & Justification: The Town is committed to completing all of the sidewalk missing segments and working with NCDOT on LAPP and STIP funding for projects on NCDOT rights-of-way.. Our Comprehensive Transportation Plan has identified sidewalks as a key component at all Town corridors. The Betterment project list includes: McCrimmon Parkway, NC 54 at CarringtonMill Blvd to Lichtin Blvd, various segments of Church Street from Mason Farms to Downing Glen and one segment of Louis Stephens Drive from Gray Marble to Parkside Valley Drive.


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