Page Historic Homesite - Pending Revisioning
Unfunded Project Concept
Location: 116 South Page Street and other Town owned property in proximity across from Town Hall
Strategic Plan Goal: Engaged, Inclusive Community
Brief Scope & Justification: Create a unique heritage park with natural open space that commemorates the Town's historic and agricultural heritage. Amenities may include historic museum space, art exhibits, interpretive signage and agricultural educational exhibits. Since this concept was proposed in 2012, there have been several new projects that reduce and may limit this concept. The submittal for a SIKH Temple on adjacent property and the consideration of a LUP subarea that would not be consistent with historical aspect of the Page house. Staff will consider revisioning the concept with FY2023 major CIP update.
Morrisville Community Park Phase III*
Bond Proceeds and Reserves
Location: Kudrow Lane parking Lot
Strategic Plan Goal: Engaged, Inclusive Community; Thriving, Livable Neighborhoods
Brief Scope & Justification: To improve park access and safety. Currently under construction with completion expected September 2022. Will enhance recreation amenities in existing Morrisville Community Park. Will connect adjacent communities to the park and the greenway system with hard surface walking trails, tennis courts, pickleball courts, small shelter and restroom. Walking trails from adjacent communities through the wooded areas and miscellaneous site amenities. The Parks Master Plan supports such amenities. Will allow for program expansion and partnership opportunities to meet the growing needs of community.
Recreation & Multipurpose Center
Unfunded Project Concept
Location: Town Center Core
Strategic Plan Goal: Engaged, Inclusive Community; Thriving, Livable Neighborhoods
Brief Scope& Justification: To provide a variety of recreation opportunities that align to the goals of Parks Master Plan and Town Center Vision. The project scope will be impacted by the current development of the Town Center Project. There are limited opportunities to expand existing Town Campus facilities to meet growing needs according to space study assessments. Flexible meeting space was identified as a critical need for both employees and community gathering needs/interest. Design and construct a recreation center in Town Center on land owned by the Town. The facility could include a gymnasium, multi-purpose rooms, senior programspace, and staff offices with the full project scope to be determined through the design process. Cost estimate is based on a price of $350 / SF; this cost could vary depending on the final use and design.
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