Land Use Plan
Outreach & Engagement
In-Person Outreach Events
Technical Advisory Committee The Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) was formed to help guide the planning process and act as a sounding board for plan concepts and recommendations as they were being developed. TAC members were chosen for their technical knowledge and expertise regarding Morrisville. The TAC met period- ically during the planning process to review and provide feedback on plan components. Community Workshops May & December 2018 – 37 Participants CommunityWorkshops provided a space to gather feedback directly from residents and facilitate in-person discussion about the Town of Morrisville. Two workshops were conducted, a general community workshop in May 2018 and a subarea-specific workshop in December 2018. Participants at these work- shops completed exercises designed to collect feedback on key issues, opportunities, and potential projects, as well as community assets that should be preserved and enhanced.
In-Person outreach events provided opportu- nities for the community to meet face-to-face with the project team, including meetings, workshops, interviews, focus groups, and other live events where individuals directly engaged in the planning process. Together, these events offered a space to learn about issues and opportunities in a setting that allowed for conversation, discussion, and detailed questions regarding specific concerns. Complementary Outreach In 2017, the National Research Center conducted a National Citizen Survey in Morrisville, engaging 202 residents to better understand livability in the Town. While not conducted as part of the planning process for the Land Use Plan , this survey served as complementary outreach. Overall, the findings of the National Citizen Survey in Morrisville were consistent with the major themes identified through the Plan’s engage - ment process and was incorporated into the planning process where appropriate.
The Land Use Plan is a community plan, guided by the aspirations and collective vision of Morrisville residents. Outreach was at the core of the planning process, including a combination of in-person events to facilitate face-to-face discussion and online tools that were interactive and highly accessible. Together, these offered a range of opportunities for individuals to get involved and helped gather feedback from residents, employees, business owners, developers, service providers, public officials, Town staff, and other community stakeholders. The input received provided clear direction for the Land Use Plan and in some cases was directly trans- lated into Plan recommendations and policy. Throughout community outreach, approxi- mately 1,300 individuals were engaged during 39 separate outreach events and over 3,000 visits to the project website. While outreach began with an initial phase of engagement, opportunities for individuals to get involved continued throughout the Plan’s development. Ultimately, community outreach ensured that the Land Use Plan is reflective of and respon - sive to theMorrisville community. While the majority of outreach had been completed prior to the COVID-19 outbreak, public engagement conducted during the adoption process was done in accordance with ‘social distancing’ requirements and relied heavily on digital media strategies.
Stakeholder Interviews May 2018 – 20 Participants
Interviews were conducted with a range of stakeholders, including residents, business owners, developers, property owners, adja- cent municipalities, public school officials, and service providers. These interviews allowed for detailed discussion of specific issues.
8 Morrisville Land Use Plan | Chapter 2 – Community Context
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