Land Use Plan
Summary of Outreach While a considerable range of topics were identified during the outreach process, the following major themes consistently emerged across all engagement: ⊲ Education was a major point of discussion, particularly access to schools and the need for new school facilities in Morrisville. This included discussion of the distance students travel to schools outside Morris- ville and the lack of available land to build new schools within the community. ⊲ Traffic & Congestion were regularly discussed, particularly traffic on NC54 and other primary roadways during rush hour. While transportation is not a focus of the Land Use Plan , transportation related issues have a direct impact on many elements of land use and development. ⊲ Access & Connectivity was also discussed and are closely linked to traffic and congestion. This included concerns with the existing roadway network, missed connections, dead-end roadways, and the discontinuous sidewalks. The lack of transit options was also frequently mentioned.
Community Strengths & Assets Community strengths and assets were also identified by participants, including many that should be maintained or enhanced through the planning process. Common strengths and assets include: ⊲ Regional location ⊲ Proximity to Raleigh-Durham International Airport ⊲ Proximity to RTP
⊲ Image & Identity was consistently brought up, specifically the lack of a clear brand for Morrisville, both internally and externally. Participants also stated the exact bound- aries and definition of what is or is not in Morrisville was confusing, meaning that visitors could travel through Morrisville without knowing they were in the commu- nity. Some indicated that Morrisville is defined by its neighbors and adjacent communities. This was often related to the lack of a downtown and the need for more clearly identifiable locations to visit within the community. ⊲ The Need for Community Spaces was also highlighted, closely related to the lack of a local identity. Residents felt that a town center or larger community space was essential to creating a “place” that defined Morrisville. ⊲ Rapid Growth was cited as a core issue that impacts many of the other challenges Morrisville faces. Many participants stated that the speed of growth challenges the Town’s ability to protect its assets, manage development appropriately, and preserve community character. ⊲ Loss of Green Space and Tree Canopy was also regularly highlighted as a critical issue for residents. Morrisville’s lush green spaces, landscape, and tree canopy were identified as valued assets that contribute to the character of the community. Resi- dents emphasized that Morrisville needs to protect green space and trees from development given their importance to the Town’s identity.
⊲ Parks and open space ⊲ Safety and low crime ⊲ Resident’s incomes ⊲ Accredited Town departments
⊲ Town leadership ⊲ Strong tax base ⊲ Diversity ⊲ Small businesses
⊲ Restaurants and stores ⊲ Recreational amenities ⊲ Small town feel
To review the comprehensive summaries of all outreach conducted throughout the plan- ning process, see the Morrisville Land Use Plan Appendices , which are provided as a separate document.
13 Morrisville Land Use Plan | Chapter 2 – Community Context
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