Land Use Plan

Future Land Use

Low Density Residential (pg 23)

Medium Density Residential (pg 24)

High Density Residential (pg 25)

Neighborhood Activity Center (pg 26)

The Future Land Use chapter outlines a vision for how land is used and developed within Morrisville. This chapter identifies future land use designations for all areas of town and establishes strategies for howMorrisville can accommodate new growth, some of which are expanded upon in other chapters. It was developed with an understanding that land use and development patterns have significant implications for the appearance, character, form, and function of the community. Building upon extensive community outreach, market realities, and regional development trends, the Land Use Plan seeks to ensureMorrisville remains a livable, desirable, and sustainable community while continuing to grow, develop, and diversify. FISCAL IMPACT MODEL As part of the planning process for the Land Use Plan , a fiscal impact model was prepared. This model assesses the fiscal impacts associated with different land use scenarios, providing an estimate of future municipal expenditures related to growth in Morrisville’s population and employment base. The fiscal impact model will be available for use by Town staff in order to better guide future development and long-term application of the Land Use Plan .

The Future Land Use Map establishes the foundation for the use and development of land within the Town of Morrisville. All land within the Town’s planning jurisdiction is assigned one of 13 land use designations, each defining preferred uses, density, and character of development using real exam- ples found in North Carolina. Collectively, these designations encompass all foreseeable land uses and development needs of the Morrisville community. ⊲ Low Density Residential ⊲ MediumDensity Residential ⊲ High Density Residential ⊲ Neighborhood Activity Center

Business Activity Center (pg 27)

Regional Activity Center (pg 28)

General Commercial (pg 29)

Town Center (pg 30)

⊲ Business Activity Center ⊲ Regional Activity Center ⊲ General Commercial ⊲ Town Center ⊲ Office ⊲ Industrial ⊲ Institutional

Office (pg 31)

Industrial (pg 32)

⊲ Parks, Greenways & Open Space ⊲ Transit Oriented Development

Institutional (pg 33)

Transit Oriented Development (pg 34)

Parks, Greenways & Open Space (pg 35)

21 Morrisville Land Use Plan | Chapter 4 – Future Land Use

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