Land Use Plan

High Density Residential

Key Considerations ⊲ Ensure multi-family projects transition well into lower density surroundings by thoughtful placement of buffers and land- scaping while still ensuring connectivity to their neighbors. ⊲ Explore creative design solutions to soften the visual impact of larger multi-family structures such as upper-story setbacks, concealed stairwells, and small, street- facing courtyards to minimize potential street wall disruption. ⊲ Encourage the integration of structured parking wrapped with multi-family units to minimize the use and visual impact of large, surface parking lots. ⊲ Encourage the inclusion of workforce and affordable housing units within multi- family projects whenever practicable.

⊲ Continue to require the use of brick, stone or other masonry materials for multi- family buildings. ⊲ Require well-lit parking lots or garages for safety with non-glare lighting to reduce impacts to neighboring residences. ⊲ Promote the use of rooftop decks and terraces that provide additional outdoor space for multi-family residents. ⊲ Consider a menu of different design elements for facades facing public rights- of-way that add visual interest to multi- family building appearance.

High Density Residential includes neighbor- hoods of single-family attached and detached homes as well as multi-family developments, typically greater than 7.5 dwelling units per acre. These areas are characterized by small lots and the highest residential density in Morrisville. High Density Residential is intended to provide a variety of housing options that are critical in serving Morris- ville’s expanding workforce. Though single-family attached and multi- family homes are listed as preferred uses, single-family detached is envisioned as the predominant housing type for the majority of high density residential areas on the west side of NC 54. Preferred Uses ⊲ Small lot single-family detached homes ⊲ Single-family attached homes ⊲ Multi-family residential ⊲ Senior living/congregate care

25 Morrisville Land Use Plan | Chapter 4 – Future Land Use

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