Land Use Plan

General Commercial

Key Considerations ⊲ As these areas are typically situated near gateways into Morrisville, continue to ensure buildings present a positive visual image to primary streets. ⊲ Provide ample pedestrian connectivity between lodging and retail and service uses as many visitors to Morrisville arrive at RDU without a vehicle. ⊲ Continue to discourage buildings from orienting large blank walls toward primary streets. ⊲ Continue to place building entrances close to the street, with ground floor windows, and articulated facades to encourage pedestrian activity.

⊲ Continue to require ample landscaping, tree plantings, and pedestrian havens to reduce the visual impact of surface parking lots. ⊲ Promote the use of vertical gardens, masonry walls, and artwork to creatively conceal blank walls and utility areas. ⊲ Parking between the building and primary street should be minimized, with parking largely to the side or rear of buildings. ⊲ Promote high quality architectural design and building materials.

General Commercial includes commercial centers that provide a variety of goods and services to meet local and regional needs, typically located along primary transporta- tion corridors. Given their high visibility, the overall appearance of General Commercial properties should present a positive image of the community and enhance Morrisville’s character. Preferred Uses ⊲ Commercial retail and service ⊲ Restaurants ⊲ Entertainment and cultural ⊲ Lodging and hospitality ⊲ Office ⊲ Institutional and civic

29 Morrisville Land Use Plan | Chapter 4 – Future Land Use

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