Land Use Plan
Key Considerations ⊲ Provide a broad spectrum of local and regional employment that offers economic development opportunities and supports a balanced tax base. ⊲ Encourage diverse architectural styles amongst buildings within the same office park development. ⊲ Encourage development of spaces geared toward small businesses, entrepreneurism, and the creative class, such as coworking offices and incubators. ⊲ Ensure that common open spaces like plazas or public seating areas are easily accessible and placed in locations with higher pedestrian activity and visibility. ⊲ Multi-modal transportation connections or easements should be provided to link surrounding uses to these major employ- ment hubs.
⊲ Ensure nearby retail and restaurants are well-connected to office uses as lunch - time crowds may desire to walk to their destination. ⊲ The use of structured or shared parking is encouraged as a way of minimizing impervious surfaces and large expanses of asphalt. ⊲ Promote office modernization where appropriate to retrofit offices with amenities that make them desirable, such as cafeterias and cafes, lounges and social areas, exercise areas, and other improvements. ⊲ Continue the inclusion of life science uses if certain design characteristics can be met.
Office includes a broad spectrum of local and regional employment centers in high quality and desirable environments. These provide a variety of employment opportunities and ensure a balanced tax base. Compatible commercial uses that offer supporting goods and services may also be appropriate. Preferred Uses ⊲ Office parks and corporate headquarters ⊲ Research and development companies ⊲ Emerging technology facilities ⊲ Compatible commercial retail and service ⊲ Lodging and hospitality ⊲ R&D/Life Sciences
31 Morrisville Land Use Plan | Chapter 4 – Future Land Use
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