Land Use Plan
Key Considerations ⊲ Civic and institutional facilities are focal points, both visually and functionally, within the Town. These facilities are often seen as landmarks that should visually stand apart from their surroundings while compatible with other uses in their setting. ⊲ When practicable, off street parking should be oriented to the side and rear of buildings. ⊲ Work with religious organizations to help coordinate their respective expansion plans and ensure impacts to surrounding uses are mitigated. ⊲ For campuses with a large student body population, ensure surrounding restau- rants and retail are well connected with robust bike and pedestrian infrastructure.
⊲ Multi-modal transportation connections or easements should be provided to link surrounding uses to facilities with large student body populations. ⊲ Identify potential sites for long-term expansion of community facilities and related infrastructure that will be neces sary to maintain the quality of services and amenities in Morrisville. ⊲ Coordinate withWake County Public School System to ensure a high quality of educational services for Morrisville students. This should include considering potential locations for new schools and exploring innovative alternatives, such as adaptive reuse.
Institutional accommodates public and semi- public activities, such as government build- ings, schools, and places of worship. These should be compatible with the overall char- acter of Morrisville and surrounding uses. Smaller institutional uses may be located within other appropriate land use designa- tions. Due to the established nature of these uses, and while continued improvement and investment is desirable, significant changes in character to Institutional uses is not antici- pated over the life of the Plan. Preferred Uses ⊲ Government buildings and offices ⊲ Emergency response facilities ⊲ Hospitals and healthcare facilities ⊲ Utilities ⊲ Community facilities, including senior centers ⊲ Schools and higher education facilities ⊲ Places of worship
33 Morrisville Land Use Plan | Chapter 4 – Future Land Use
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