Land Use Plan
The following design principles establish a framework to guide how properties are designed and developed throughout Morrisville. These support the vision of the Land Use Plan by striving for development that is high quality, sustainable, well-connected, pedestrian- oriented, and carefully manages how available land is utilized. By encouraging development that is aligned with these design principles, the Town can foster vibrant, inviting, and desirable places for the Morrisville community. Design Principles
Land Use A mix of land use and development types supporting a diverse population is the hall mark of a healthy and vibrant community. While Morrisville has several examples of well-integrated, walkable development, many areas of Town were built out in a pattern that has divided residential, commercial, and employment uses into separate and distinct areas. This segregated land use approach decreases the amount of activity within an area and places additional demands on roadway infrastructure. The Town should encourage a pattern of development with a mix of uses and different development types. This can include indi vidual buildings with multiple distinct uses as well as larger scale developments that feature a mix of residential, commercial, employment, and other uses in a dense, urban environment. In addition, the Town should require that new and existing developments provide strong connections between adja cent areas, including sidewalks and multi-use paths. Well-connected, mixed-use develop ments contribute to a more walkable, urban environment that is increasingly desirable across the country.
Preferred Well-connected, development with a diverse mix of uses and housing types
Not Preferred Poorly connected, segregated pods of development with low walkability
42 Morrisville Land Use Plan | Chapter 5 – Land Use Considerations
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