Land Use Plan
About the Plan The Land Use Plan is Morrisville’s official policy document. It outlines strategies for land use and development, and will serve as a foundation for future decision-making, helping inform Town staff, elected and appointed officials, as well as businesses, property owners, developers, and community stakeholders about the community’s vision for the future of Morrisville. This Land Use Plan is informed by the land use plan adopted in 2009, as well as other past plans and studies, and addresses new concerns, condi- tions, challenges, and opportunities that have occurred since their adoption.
Review & Plan Update Process
Phase 3: Existing Conditions Analysis. Consisted of research, data collection, field reconnaissance, and analysis to establish an understanding of conditions within Morris- ville. This phase culminated with the develop- ment of the Existing Conditions Report and the Trends and Influences Summary Memorandum . Both of these documents are included in the Morrisville Land Use Plan Appendices , which are provided as a separate document. Phase 4: Community Vision & Goals. Consisted of additional community engage- ment to inform the creation of a unified vision and dedicated goals for the Plan. These func- tioned as a foundation to guide the develop- ment and direction of the Land Use Plan . Phase 5: Subarea Plans. Consisted of targeted engagement with key stakeholders and property owners to develop subarea plans that address distinct areas of the community with more detailed and site-spe- cific analysis.
Phase 6: Community-Wide Plans & Policies. Consisted of the development of recommen- dations and policies to address the entire community, the Future Land Use Map, addi- tional land use and other key considerations, and implementation strategies. Phase 7: Plan Documents & Adoption. Consisted of the preparation, public review, and revision of a draft Land Use Plan docu- ment. This phase started with two virtual Q/A sessions with the public and presenta- tions to the Planning and Zoning Board and Town Council. This phase concluded with the presentation of the revised Plan to the Plan- ning and Zoning Board, a recommendation from the Board to Town Council, and subse- quent adoption by Town Council.
The Town of Morrisville is a rapidly growing community in the heart of North Carolina’s Research Triangle, one of the fastest devel- oping regions in the country. Over the past few decades, Morrisville has transformed from a small, rural town to a highly desirable, diverse area due in part to the communi- ty’s regional location and proximity to the Research Triangle Park which has supported major investment and an expanding employ- ment base. In response to these significant changes, the Town initiated an update to the Morris- ville Land Use Plan in February 2018. The three-year planning process engaged the community, analyzed the changing landscape, and identified the distinct issues and unique opportunities facing Morrisville. Together, these factors helped establish a vision for the future of land use and development in the Town and informed the policies and recom- mendations that will guide the community as it continues to evolve.
The Morrisville Land Use Plan is the result of a community-driven, multi-phased planning process that engaged residents, business owners, local officials, Town staff, and other community stakeholders. The end of the planning process was partially impacted by the COVID-19 outbreak and resulting local and state-wide stay-at-home orders. While the majority of outreach had been completed prior to the outbreak, public engagement conducted during the adoption process was done in accordance with ‘social distancing’ requirements and relied heavily on digital media strategies. The planning process included the following seven phases: Phase 1: Project Initiation. Consisted of coordination meetings with staff to kick-off the project, as well as early opportunities to engage the Town Council and Planning and Zoning Board. Phase 2: Outreach & Community Engagement. Consisted of traditional in-person events and online tools to engage the Morrisville community regarding issues, opportunities, potential projects, and key community assets.
3 Morrisville Land Use Plan | Chapter 1 – Introduction
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