Land Use Plan

The TOD East Subarea Plan creates a greater focus on transit-oriented development (TOD) along a vital transportation corridor in Morrisville. Building upon anticipated transit routes along NC54, the railroad corridor, and proximity toWake Technical Community College’s RTP Campus, the TOD East Subarea Plan seeks to create a thriving mixed-use district that complements a robust transit system. Regional transit aside, the district also provides essential housing for the large nearby workforce and serves as a positive interface toWake Technical Community College’s RTP Campus. The program includes commercial, office, and higher density residential uses focused on supporting the critical mass of activity needed for a viable regional transit station as recom- mended in theWake County Transit Plan. These uses are envisioned to be vertically integrated where practicable and served by ample pedestrian infrastructure for improved walkability. However, it should be noted that the Unified Development Ordinance’s Airport Noise Overlay would need to be amended for this programming to occur. Given that housing and transportation are the two largest costs for many households, the TOD area presents a unique oppor - tunity to improve overall affordability for people who have difficulty with basic cost of living. By providing workforce housing near transit for households earning 60-120% of the area median income, cost burdens are reduced and Morrisville’s workforce is better supported. TOD East Subarea Plan

66 Morrisville Land Use Plan | Chapter 6 – Subarea Plans

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