Land Use Plan
Develop & Maintain Partnerships Morrisville’s regional position makes it essential that the Town develops and main- tains partnerships with a wide variety of groups and organizations. Facilitating regular communication and cooperation with part- ners will support implementation of the Land Use Plan and identify opportunities to work collaboratively toward mutual interests. Further, it will facilitate a greater regional perspective in how issues are addressed in the area. Morrisville already has a wide variety of partnerships, which should be maintained in the future. Possibilities for new partnerships with organizations and agencies should be identified by the Town to aid implementation. This could include neighboring municipali- ties, regional and state agencies, neighbor- hood groups, the local business community, and other groups with a vested interest in Morrisville.
Maintain Public Communication
Update Regularly It is important that the Land Use Plan not be a static document. If community attitudes change or new issues arise that are beyond the scope of the current Plan, the document should be revised and updated accordingly. The Town should regularly undertake a systematic review of the Plan every five years. Town staff should also maintain a list of potential amendments, issues, or needs. Ideally, this review would coincide with the preparation of the Town’s budget and CIP and the preparation of an annual action agenda. In this manner, recommendations or changes relating to capital improvements or other programs can be considered as part of commitments for the upcoming fiscal year. Routine examination of the Land Use Plan will help ensure that the planning program remains relevant to community needs and aspirations.
Measure Progress As implementation of the Land Use Plan occurs, it is essential that staff have the tools to measure progress and analyze success in achieving the Plan’s vision and goals. This should include identification of potential metrics, desired trends, and data resources, which can be used to gauge the success and progress of implementation. The intent of measuring progress is not to establish specific benchmarks or thresholds, which signify an objective has been complete. Rather, metrics indicate preferred trends that demonstrate positive change, while encouraging continued improvement over the life of the Plan.
The Town should continue to partner with or explore new opportunities with the following groups: ⊲ Wake County ⊲ The Town of Cary ⊲ The City and County of Durham ⊲ The City of Raleigh ⊲ Research Triangle Park (RTP) ⊲ Raleigh-Durham International Airport (RDU) ⊲ Wake County Public School System ⊲ Sterling Montessori Academy and Charter School ⊲ Wake Technical Community College ⊲ Triangle J Council of Governments ⊲ North Carolina Department of Transporta- tion (NCDOT) ⊲ Morrisville Chamber of Commerce
The Land Use Plan and the planning process were directly guided by the input of resi- dents. This included public workshops, stakeholder interviews, online question - naires, an interactive mapping tool, and other methods to engage residents, businesses, property owners, public officials, and commu - nity stakeholders. In addition to supporting the planning process, these outreach efforts helped foster stewardship for the Land Use Plan and communicate the importance of planning within Morrisville. Moving forward, the Town should build upon this foundation by maintaining public commu- nication to support implementation and future planning efforts. This should include regular correspondence with the public, such as online updates, announcements of major project achievements, and newsletters, including information about planning and development efforts. In addition, the Town should maintain an avenue for residents and stakeholders to offer feedback and ask ques - tions about planning initiatives and ongoing projects.
82 Morrisville Land Use Plan | Chapter 7 – Implementation
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