Land Use Plan
# Key Action
Time Horizon Partners
# Key Action
Time Horizon Partners
DEVELOPMENT & REGULATORY 1 Review and update the Town’s zoningmap in accordance with the Morrisville Land Use Plan and specifically the Future Land UseMap 2 Review and update the Town’s UDOand various development controls to alignwith theMorrisville Land Use Plan and the recommendations therein 3 Utilize the Land Use Plan to ensure future development proposals are in sync with the recommendations and design principles therein 4 Continue coordinating with Raleigh-Durham International Airport on future growth plans and themitigation of airport noise impacts 6 Apply development standards that encourage a walkablemix of uses in theMcCrimmon Subarea that shifts the area away fromprimarily industrial development, while still allowing a wide array uses 7 Actively seek development of the Superfund site as a transit-oriented development 8 Draft and adopt newTransit OrientedDevelopment overlay, zoning district, or formbased code to implement enhanced development standards for Transit OrientedDevelopment areas and ensure they are walkable, mixed-use environments 9 Examine Activity Center districts to ensure they provide a balance and integratedmix of uses as envisioned in the Land Use Plan Reevaluate required parking standards for specific areas of town and explore incentives for structured or underground parking to reduce the proliferation of large surface lots 11 Utilize the 2019 Affordable Housing Plan to guide policies, projects, and decisionmaking related to affordable housing and seek out opportunities for privately developedworkforce housing Explore partnerships withWake County and other non-profit housing organizations to develop affordable or workforce housing 10 12 5 Amend Airport NoiseOverlay to correspondwith Plan recommendations Short-term Short-term Long-term Mid-term Short-term Short-term Mid-term Long-term Short-term Short-term Ongoing Ongoing
COMMUNITY FACILITIES & INFRASTRUCTURE 19 Continue coordinating withWake County Public School Systemon identifying future school sites and updating themon new residential growth 20 Coordinate with area transit agencies servingMorrisville on how to best integrate proposed transit stations and associated pedestrian infrastructure into nearby development 21 Increase the percentage of households and jobs within a 10-minute walk to transit (bus stops, commuter rail stations, and bus rapid transit stations)
Town Council, Planning & Zoning Board, Planning Department Town Council, Planning & Zoning Board, Planning Department
Planning Department, Wake County Public School System
Planning Department, Engineering Department, Inspections Department, PublicWorks Department, Go Triangle Town Council, Planning & Zoning Board, Planning Department, Go Triangle, Go Cary, Go Raleigh Planning Department, Engineering Department, North Carolina Department of Transportation Planning Department, Engineering Department, Fire Department, Public Works Department, North Carolina Department of Transportation Town Council, Town Administration, Planning Department, Parks, Recreation & Cultural Resources Department Town Council, Town Administration , Planning Department, Parks, Recreation & Cultural Resources Department Town Council, Planning Department, Engineering Department, PublicWorks Department, Parks, Recreation, &Cultural Resources Department, NCDOT
Town Council, Planning & Zoning Board, Planning Department
Town Administration, Planning Department, Raleigh-Durham International Airport Authority
22 Continue to ensure roadway capacity can support proposed development Ongoing
Town Council, Planning & Zoning Board, Planning Department, Raleigh-Durham International Airport Authority Town Council, Planning & Zoning Board, Planning Department Town Council, Planning & Zoning Board, Planning Department, EPA, Go Triangle, NCDOT, NCRR Town Council, Planning & Zoning Board, Planning Department Town Council, Planning & Zoning Board, Planning Department Town Council, Planning & Zoning Board, Planning Department, Engineering Department Town Council, Planning Department, Wake County, Non-Profit Housing Organizations Planning Department, Wake County Housing Authority, Non-profit Development Organization Town Council, Town Administration, Planning & Zoning Board, Planning Department Town Council, Planning & Zoning Board, Planning Department Planning Department, Information Technology Department, Communications Department Town Council, Planning & Zoning Board, Planning Department Town Council, Town Administration, Planning Department Town Council, Planning Department
Explore different street design and fire access standards for suburban and urban conditions
24 Incorporate a central, public gathering space into future Town Center development
25 Incorporate a community center into future Town Center development
Continue to fill sidewalk gaps to strengthen pedestrian connectivity
27 Explore alternatives for expanding Town facilities to better accommodate increases in staff and public safety needs, such as renovations to existing buildings and land acquisition
Town Council, Administration Department
13 Explore expanding the development of ‘missingmiddle’ housing such as duplexes, cottage courts, and accessory dwelling units
14 Regularly coordinate with neighboring Cary, Durham, and RTP leadership to remain up to date on planned projects and newdevelopments
15 Consider creating light and heavy industrial zoning districts or otherwise limiting heavy industrial to certain areas 16 Continue to update and innovate newdevelopment information platforms published online for the general public
Undertake a systematic reviewof the Land Use Plan every five years
18 Consider creating a Land Use Plan Implementation Action Committee to ensure the Land Use Plan is implemented and continues to reflect the Town’s vision for land use and development
84 Morrisville Land Use Plan | Chapter 7 – Implementation
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