McCrimmon Transit Small Area Plan - 2013
Vision | 9
The McCrimmon Transit Small Area Plan supports the goals and policies of the Town’s community-wide Land Use and Transportation Plans in the following ways: 1. It promotes livability by supporting the creation of a new and increasingly popular transportation and lifestyle option in the community. 2. It supports an environmentally friendly and energy efficient community by creating less-polluting travel choices, such as walking and transit, and providing more energy efficient development, such as multi-family housing in near proximity to shopping, offices, and premium transit options. 3. It fosters a sense of place through the use of high-quality design principles and the creation of vibrant public spaces. 4. It promotes lifecycle housing by integrating workforce housing into the development design, combining this with affordable transit service. 5. It improves transportation mobility by supporting the expansion of transportation options available to Morrisville residents and area workers. 6. It promotes infill development and environmental quality by promoting redevelopment of a brownfields site. 7. It supports the elderly, the young, and those with disabilities by creating centers of activity that are accessible on foot and by transit. 8. It enhances economic competitiveness by creating a focal point for high-quality new development, and by supporting new travel options near major employment and educational facilities including Perimeter Park, Lenovo, and the planned technology campus for Wake Technical Community College.
Lincoln Property Company
In these ways, the Plan helps lay the foundation for more sustainable lifestyles and investments that advance Morrisville’s community vision.
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