McCrimmon Transit Small Area Plan - 2013


Planning Process | 11

The Town held three public workshops in the spring and fall of 2012 to share background information and receive input as part of the planning process.The Town advertised the workshops through postcard mailings to every address in Morrisville, as well as through e-blasts, website announcements, and outdoor banners.The Town sent out press releases in advance of the workshops, and two articles on the project appeared in the Cary News . The workshops focused on Transportation, Market Analysis, Housing, and Design issues. Each session included poster displays, expert presentations, small group discussions, electronic keypad polling with instant audience feedback, and lots of opportunities for input. Project staff also posted surveys online after the second and third workshops to facilitate input from stakeholders who couldn’t attend the meetings. In addition to the workshops, project staff also held three focus groups with agency staff and other organizational stakeholders to get their input on this important regional project. In these ways, the Town advertised the planning process, involved the public, shared information, and received stakeholder feedback.The measures used are in substantial accordance with guidance published by the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) on how to conduct public outreach for TOD projects. 1 The input received on the different development concepts and features was used to help craft a “preferred”

conceptual design for the McCrimmon transit- oriented development. Subsequent sections in this plan provide more background information on the study area and describe the results of the planning process. Part 3 of this plan summarizes the existing conditions of the study area and the technical analysis conducted for the project. Part 4 outlines the goals and objectives identified during the planning process. Part 5 describes the resulting concept design for the McCrimmon TOD. Together, Parts 4 and 5 establish the Town’s official policy on how land should be used in this part of the community. Part 6 then details an action plan for achieving this community vision and supporting the creation of a vibrant northern center of activity linked to high-quality transit service.

1 Reconnecting America and the Center for Transit-Oriented Development, “Station Area Planning: How To Make Great Transit-Oriented Places,” February 2008. Page 17.

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