McCrimmon Transit Small Area Plan - 2013
TOD Action Plan | 41
Land Use 1. Prepare and Implement TOD Zoning District A. Draft zoning district to allow and support transit-oriented development for inclusion in the Unified Development Ordinance B. Rezone plan study area to new TOD district
Town of Morrisville Planning, Consultant
2. Explore Public-Private Partnership to Develop TOD Site A. Talk with property owners, developers, Triangle Transit, and others about possible public-private partnership to catalyze development of the TOD site Transportation 3. Participate in the NC 54 Feasibility Study A. Provide review and comment on NC 54 Feasibility Study process and content 4. Support Funding for NC 54 Improvements A. Support funding for NC 54 improvements consistent with Town adopted policies and plans 5. Build McCrimmon Parkway Extension A. Design and construct McCrimmon Parkway Extension from NC 54 east to Airport Boulevard and south to Aviation Parkway as follow-up to 2012 Town bond referendum 6. Design McCrimmon Parkway Grade Separation A. Work in partnership with NCDOT, CAMPO, NCRR, Triangle Transit, and other partners to design McCrimmon Parkway Grade Separation 7. Fund McCrimmon Parkway Grade Separation A. Work in partnership with NCDOT, CAMPO, NCRR, Triangle Transit, and other partners to fund McCrimmon Parkway Grade Separation 8. Assist in Transit System Design and Development A. Continue working with CAMPO, Triangle Transit, NCDOT, RTA, NCRR, NS, and other partners to analyze and design expanded regional transit service B. Work with Triangle Transit and other partners on design for McCrimmon transit station
TOM Planning
TOM Planning
Town of Morrisville
TOM Planning, Engineering, Public Works, and Consultant
NCDOT, CAMPO, TOM, and others
NCDOT, CAMPO, TOM, and others
CAMPO, Triangle Transit, NCDOT, TOM, and others
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