McCrimmon Transit Small Area Plan - 2013
Vision | 7
As a result, Morrisville’s 2009 community-wide Land Use and Transportation Plans include goals and policies to integrate land use and transportation planning, and support walkable, mixed-use development around planned transit stations (see full range of applicable goals and policies on page 8).The plans also identify the intersection of McCrimmon Parkway and NC 54 as a suitable location for a potential transit station, establish general parameters for transit-oriented development, and call for a more detailed study of how to redevelop land around the McCrimmon Parkway-NC 54 intersection for transit-oriented development.
In 2011, the Town Council passed a resolution strongly supporting the McCrimmon Parkway transit station and the concept of transit-oriented development in this location (Resolution 2011-095). This McCrimmon Transit Small Area Plan implements the goals of the adopted Land Use and Transportation Plans and establishes a more detailed policy framework for how transit-oriented development should occur in this location. In so doing, it describes a vision for a vibrant activity center in northern Morrisville that is connected to high-quality transit service and linked by safe pedestrian connections to surrounding neighborhoods and businesses.
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