Morisville Unified Development Ordinance_ September 2023-2
Article 4: Use Standards Section 4.4. Temporary Uses and Structures 4.4.5. Temporary Use-Specific Standards
b. The display or sale of goods, products, and/or services shall not occur in the public right-of way or within 100 feet of an existing residential use. c. Any tent or other temporary structure shall be located so as not to interfere with the normal operations of any permanent use located on the property.
d. Off-street parking shall be adequate to accommodate the proposed sale of products.
e. The temporary display or sale of products shall not cause interference with the movement of emergency vehicles to such an extent that adequate police, fire, or other emergency services cannot be provided. f. The hours of operation of the temporary sale of products shall be from no earlier than 7:00 a.m. to no later than 10:00 p.m., or the same as the hours of operation of the principal use, whichever is less. g. The temporary sales of agricultural products on an individual site shall be limited to no more than 60 days per calendar year. The temporary sale of non-agricultural products on an individual site shall be limited to no more than 30 total days per calendar year.
h. The number of temporary sales of products per site per calendar year shall not exceed three.
i. All required inspections have been made and approved.
j. The fire department has been notified of the proposed use.
Real Estate Sales Office, Temporary A model home or other building, or unit thereof, located on the site of new development is allowed to be temporarily used for sales or leasing associated with the development, subject to the following standards:
a. There shall be no more than one such office per builder in the development.
b. The sales office shall be located on a lot or building site approved as part of the development, or within a building approved as part of the development. c. The building used as or containing a sales office shall comply with all building setbacks and other development requirements. d. The building shall be aesthetically compatible with the character of the community and surrounding area in terms of exterior color, predominant exterior materials, and landscaping. e. At least one parking space shall be provided for every 300 square feet of gross floor area devoted to the sales office use. Accessible parking for persons with physical disabilities is required (see 5.10.3.I, Accessible Parking Spaces for Physically Disabled Persons). f. On termination of the temporary real estate sales/leasing use, the building or unit shall be converted to a permanent permitted use or removed.
Special Event
A special event permit shall be subject to the following standards:
a. A special event permit is obtained from the Town.
b. Adequate off-street parking and accessibility is provided.
c. The Fire Department and Police Department have determined that the site is accessible for public safety vehicles and equipment. d. The Inspections Department has determined that any existing or proposed permanent or temporary structures comply with applicable regulation of the State Building Code.
e. Adequate restroom facilities are provided.
Morrisville, NC
September 13, 2023
Unified Development Ordinance
Page 4-56
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