Morisville Unified Development Ordinance_ September 2023-2
Article 2: Administration Section 2.5. Application-Specific Review Procedures 2.5.4. Conceptual Master Plan Approval
D. Rezoning Review Standards
Planned Development District For an application to rezone to a Planned Development district, the Town Council shall consider the compliance of the proposal, including the PD Plan/Agreement, with the review standards in Section 3.7.2 for the Mixed-Use PD district.
(Ord. No. 2015-066, 07/28/2015; Ord. No. 2016-001, 05/10/2016)
Conceptual Master Plan Approval
A. Purpose The purpose of this subsection is to provide an administrative procedure whereby a developer may opt to submit, and the Town consider, a conceptual master plan for a large and/or phased development proposal that depicts its major development and design parameters (i.e., major circulation and infrastructure systems, major open spaces, allocation of categories of land uses and development intensities among portions of the development site, and phasing of development over time). Conceptual Master Plan Approval is intended to provide a developer an opportunity to obtain the Town’s preliminary approval of such conceptual master plans — either in conjunction with an application for Conditional Rezoning or as a precursor to the preparation and submittal of the more specific and more detailed plans required for subdivision approvals or site plan approvals.
B. Applicability
General Conceptual Master Plan Approval is not required for any development, but any landowner may submit an application for Conceptual Master Plan Approval to obtain the Town’s preliminary approval of conceptual plans for a development, provided the application meets at least one of the following qualifications: a. The application site includes a contiguous area of at least ten acres; b. The application proposes development containing at least 100,000 square feet of total gross floor area with three or more principal uses; c. The application proposes to phase initiation of the development over a three- to five-year period; or d. The application is for any development proposed within the Transit-Oriented Development District. Relationship to Other Applications a. An application for Conceptual Master Plan Approval may be submitted and reviewed concurrently with an application for Conditional Rezoning. b. If an application for Conceptual Master Plan Approval is approved, subsequent approval of the development may be reviewed and decided in accordance with one of the following approval procedures irrespective of the size of the proposed development (see Section 2.5.6.A.2 and Section 2.5.7.A):
Conceptual Master Plan Approval
Pre-Application Conference
Application Submittal and Acceptance
Staff Review and Recommendation with DRC review
Scheduling and Notice of Meetings
Planning and Zoning Board Review and Recommendation with public comment session
Town Council Review and Decision with standard public hearing
(1) Site Plan Approval; or
Morrisville, NC
June 13, 2023
Unified Development Ordinance
Page 2-30
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