Morrisville UDO Administrative Manual, 11/1/18 version

Part 4 Appendices 4.5 Checklists

Construction Plan Approval for a Site Plan (Major or Minor) Submittal Checklist (use this checklist for concurrent review applications) For each listed item, check (√) if provided, write “n/a” if the feature does not exist or is not proposed, and write “w” if a waiver from the requirement is justified because it is unnecessary in the particular case to determine compliance with applicable regulations. Staff Use Only

√, n/a, or w

√, n/a, or w

Application Submittal Requirement

Add the following tables for each structure (fill in blanks)

Area of Façade Walls

______________ sf ______________ sf

Area of Window and Doors Net Total Façade Wall Area 1

______________ sf 1 Net Total Façade Wall Area is the Area of Façade Walls minus Area of Window and Doors


Area of predominant net façade material ____________ sf ____________% Area of non-predominant net façade material ____________ sf ____________%

13 For an office building greater than two feet in height, provide building footprint demonstrating the minimum corner requirement is met. (only required if this method of compliance it proposed) Provide a scaled drawing, similar to the one below, for all buildings that have at least one side greater than 100 feet in length.


Note: This is not to scale.

15 Demonstrate façade walls have no less than three of the following: color change; texture change; material change; or an expression of architectural or structural bays through a change in plane no less than 12 inches in width. Provide the following table on each applicable elevation sheet demonstrating compliance with ground floor features along no less than 60% of the horizontal length of the wall. A table is required for each side of the building(s) adjacent to a public r/w. Total horizontal length of the wall: ______________ lf


Horizontal length of the (add feature): ______________ lf Horizontal length of the (add feature): ______________ lf (examples of features: windows, awnings) Total horizontal length of all features: ______________ lf =_______% of the wall

November 1, 2018

Morrisville, NC

Page 4-32

Administrative Manual

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