Morrisville UDO Administrative Manual, 11/1/18 version
Part 4 Appendices 4.5 Checklists
Show locations of blow-off devices and their routing into the sanitary sewer. I Soil Erosion Control Plan - see Wake County Environmental Services for requirements J Tree Survey (See Section 5.4.3, Tree Survey, of UDO) 1 Property lines per the Existing Survey Sheet 2 The latest available aerial photograph of the development site 3 Stands of trees, include the location, area, predominant species, general health, estimated tree number, and average DBH 4 Specimen trees, show the location, species, general health, and DBH 5 Dead or diseased trees, where practical 6 The percentage of the development site area covered by existing tree canopy (excluding all proposed street rights-of-way, existing utility easements, and natural water surface areas) 7 All potential retention areas (1, 2,3) See Section 5.4.4, Tree Canopy Retention, of UDO K Tree Protection Plan 1 Property lines per the Existing Survey Sheet 2 The proposed percentage of existing tree canopy to be retained 3 Tree protection areas (must comply with Section 5.4.4, Tree Canopy Retention, of UDO 4 Location of intersection sight distance areas for all road and driveway intersections (See EDCM for requirements) 5 Location, width, and type of all utility easements 6 Location of all buildings 7 Location of surface vehicle parking lots 8 Location of roadways and driveways and associated rights-of-way or easements 9 Location of sidewalk(s) and greenway(s) and associated easements 10 Location of grading limits 11 Boundaries of common open space and public recreation areas, including percentage of the development site 12 Boundaries of tree protection area(s) including drip lines of trees near the fencing proposed to be protected 13 Location and details of protective fencing, marking, and signage (See Section 5.4.6.B, Protective Fencing and Signage, of UDO.) L Landscape Plan 1 Property lines per the Existing Survey Sheet 2 Adjoining Zoning districts – boundaries and names 3 Adjoining current land uses 4 Location, species, and size of all existing vegetation within proposed perimeter and streetyard buffers(s) to be used towards required buffer screening 5 Location of intersection sight distance areas for all road and driveway intersections 6 Location, width, and type of all utility easements 7 Location of all buildings 8 Location of roadways and driveways and associated rights-of-way and easements 9 Location of surface vehicle parking lots 10 Location of sidewalk(s) and greenway(s) and associated easements 11 Location of plantings with key symbol 12 Plant Schedule that includes: Plant type (shade, understory, shrubs, & groundcover/grasses) Key symbol (e.g. “AR” for Acer Rubrum”) Quantity
Scientific name Common name
Caliper at planting Height at planting Root (e.g. B&B) Spacing Location (streetyard, VUA, foundation etc.) 13 Location, width, and type/option of perimeter and streetyard buffer(s) 14 Table for each perimeter and streetyard buffer that includes: Buffer type and option Length (linear feet) of buffer Number of required plantings (including supporting calculation) Number of provided plantings
Location, height, material, and graphic of fences/walls proposed as buffer screening
November 1, 2018
Morrisville, NC
Page 4-46
Administrative Manual
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