Morrisville Active Kids Strategic Plan

Active Kids Strategic Plan

occurred in their responses. Aside from active kids, themes such as fun, outdoors, and social engagement were common responses. Also telling was how many responses transcended the realm of physical activity, which reflects what researchers have found: physical activity is one dimension of health that yields positive impacts in other realms of health. Social health, emotional health, environmental health, and spiritual health are all impacted by physical activity. The influences that challenge Morrisville youth in terms of physical activity were also a component of the workshops. When asked to identify one word that describes those challenges; the top response was weather. This indicates that increased opportunities for indoor recreation during hot, humid summer months may be beneficial to increased rates of physical activity. When combined with winter weather limitations, the impacts of weather on outdoor activity could span at least five months of the year. Other challenges cited were the increased influence of online technologies and the internet, as well as lack of money and time available to recreate. A lack of sidewalks was also cited in many responses. Even though distance to schools arose as a key topic in the online survey, it was not cited in the one word responses. The sidewalks response may be related to issues related to distance.

One Word… that describes the CHALLENGES facing Morrisville youth today

Weather was cited as the primary concern among those who identified challenges for kids being more active in Morrisville. While we cannot control the weather, the community can offer more programs and facilities that allow for indoor activity during hot, humid summer months and cold spells in winter.

April 25, 2017


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