Morrisville Code of Ordinances - publishing_20231101

Sec. 18-124. Exceptions. Sec. 18-125.Towing and storage. Secs. 18-126--18-145. Reserved.

Division 4. Abandoned Structures

Sec. 18-146. Findings; intent. Sec. 18-147. Duties of code enforcement administrator. Sec. 18-148. Powers of the code enforcement administrator.

Sec. 18-149. Standards for enforcement. Sec. 18-150. Procedure for enforcement. Sec. 18-151. Methods of service of complaints and orders. Sec. 18-152. In rem action by code enforcement administrator; placarding.

Sec. 18-153. Costs a lien on premises. Sec. 18-154. Alternative remedies. Secs. 18-155--18-200. Reserved.

Division 5. Pet Waste

Sec. 18-201. Purpose. Sec. 18-202. Definitions. Sec. 18-203 Requirement for Disposal. Sec. 10-204. Exemptions.

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Editor’s note: Ordinance 02-34 adopted on 7-22-2002 did not specifically address any section of the code to be updated, however Ordinance 02-34 did specifically designate an amendment to previously adopted Ordinance 95-69. __________


Supp. No. 10

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