Morrisville Engineering, Design, and Construction Manual - July 2016
Section 2: General Construction Provisions 2.3 Unsafe Conditions 2.3.1 Town Authorized to Correct Unsafe Conditions
Soil, rock, or other earthen material to be exported from the site shall be disposed of in a location with legal authority to accept the material.
Town Authorized to Correct Unsafe Conditions
Where the Town determines that construction activities cause a safety hazard or the potential for damages, it may direct the developer to undertake certain repairs or work to remove or prevent the hazard or damage potential. If the developer does not respond to such directives, the Town may have such work performed and charge the developer all associated expenses plus a 25% mobilization fee. Examples of repairs or work that could be required by the Town include, but are not limited to, installing traffic control signage, trench repairs, sediment and erosion control failure repairs, and street washing. The developer is provided 24 hours, if possible, between notice being given and determination of failure to respond. Some safety hazards may warrant immediate action by the Town. In such cases, the Town may take immediate corrective action. Only measures that warrant immediate action by the Town will be performed. The remaining work not completed by the Town shall be left for the developer to complete.
No Town Obligation or Liability
This section shall not create an obligation of the Town to undertake such work or to be liable in any way for failure to undertake such work in the event of provate property owner or developer negiligence.
When construction occurs in an area subject to vehicular traffic, traffic control devices must be erected, maintained, relocated, and removed in accordance with the latest editions of the NCDOT specifications for Work Zone Traffic Control, the FHWA’s Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD), and current North Carolina Supplement to the MUTCD. This requirement shall apply to all construction occurring on public right-of-ways and private access easements, including installation and rehabilitation by landscaping contractors and construction or repairs by any utility company. Traffic control devices shall include, but are not limited to, signs, drums, barricades, cones, delineators, flashing arrow panels, temporary guardrails, temporary median barriers, vehicle-mounted temporary impact attenuators, pavement markings, raised reflective pavement markers, flaggers, and pilot vehicles. Existing public and private accessways shall be kept open to traffic at all times unless approval to close the accessway, or portions thereof, is granted by the Town Manager or the NCDOT District Engineer, as appropriate. Upon receiving approval, the developer must contact the Town’s Engineering Department a minimum of 48 hours prior to conducting any construction activities that may impact traffic flow. Lane closures are permitted from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. only unless previously approved by the Town Manager. Work performed within NCDOT rights-of-way may be subject to additional requirements. The developer shall take all other safety measures necessary to mitigate any site-specific or unusual circumstances that have not been set out in this Manual
Traffic Control Device Materials
Materials used in the fabrication and installation of construction traffic control devices shall be in accordance with the MUTCD and NCDOT requirements.
January 2016
Morrisville, NC
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Engineering, Design, and Construction Manual
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