Morrisville Land Use Plan 2009
5.2 Future Land Use Map, cont’d
The following images illustrate the Future Land Uses. Page numbers refer to the full description for each category.
Very Low Density Residential (Page 32) <= 1 du/ac net density
Single family detached houses Ex: Crabtree Crossing Estates, Holly Creek Road
Regional Activity Center (Page 23)
Low Density Residential (Page 32) > 1 and <= 4.5 du/ac net density Single family detached houses Ex: Providence Place, Weston Estates, Preston, Town Hall Commons, Addison Park
Neighborhood Activity Center (Page 24)
Southern Activity Center (Page 25)
Medium Density Residential (Page 32) > 4.5 and <= 7.5 du/ac net density Single family detached houses, semi-attached or townhouses Ex: Savannah, Breckenridge (single family)
Business Activity Center (Page 26)
High Density Residential (Page 32) > 7.5 du/ac net density Semi-attached houses, townhouses or apartments Ex: Gables @ Town Hall Commons, Kitts Creek (townhouse), Breckenridge (townhouse), apartment complexes
Corridor Commercial (Page 27)
Private Open Space/Recreation
Industrial (Page 31)
Heritage Preservation Area (Page 28)
Public Park/Greenway/Open Space (Page 33)
McCrimmon Small Area Plan (Page 34)
Office (Page 29)
Transit Oriented Development (Page 36)
Note: The TOD district is a “floating district” and, therefore, not mapped. This district may be applied to the Superfund Redevelopment Site.
Town Center Planning Area (Page 35)
Public/Institutional (Page 30)
5 Recommendations
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