Morrisville Land Use Plan 2009
5.3 Future Land Use Categories, cont’d 6. HERITAGE PRESERVATION AREA A. Function i. To protect and preserve the important historic and cultural features of the existing Shiloh Community in Morrisville. B. Preferred Uses i. Land uses in this designation should consist primarily of single-family attached and de- tached dwellings with some multi-family houses, including those containing 2-4 dwell- ing units per structure, and single-family houses which have been converted into two- family or multi-family dwelling units. ii. A number of publicly owned lands and buildings currently exist in this district, in addi- tion to the Shiloh Baptist Church, Luther Green Center, Park, and residences. New uses that support the civic and recreational needs of Town residents are appropriate in this designation if they are compatible with the existing residential character of the area. C. General Policies + Development Character i. Alterations and additions to heritage buildings should maintain or enhance rather than detract from the existing architectural style and character of the building and those surrounding it. ii. New buildings, alterations, and additions to historically unrated existing buildings should be designed to be compatible with the heritage buildings in terms of scale, massing, height, setback, and entry level. iii. The general open space character of the existing Shiloh community should be rein- forced by maintaining spacious setbacks and large frontage for new development. iv. Parking lots should not front on existing or new streets to maintain the area’s historic visual character. The Town should promote a parking strategy for the district that pro- tects streetscape character. v. Existing trees that lend a scenic character to the streetscapes in the community should be protected from damage due to site development, redevelopment and paving modifications, street and infrastructure works. vi. Future design and infrastructure investment in the community should include the follow- ing compatible streetscape components: heritage street signage, improved lighting, plantings, enhanced paving, and rural landscaping to enhance the visual character of existing streets and help establish gateways to the community.
Appropriate signage helps to reinforce the significance of the Shiloh community as an important destination in the Town.
encouraged discouraged
New buildings, alterations, and additions to historically unrated existing buildings should be designed to be compatible with the heritage buildings in terms of scale, massing, height, setback, and entry level.
To maintain historic character, homes and buildings are sub- stantially set back from the roadway. The placement of resi- dences should be sensitive to viewsheds and open spaces to preserve the rural experience along the roadway.
Street trees help to integrate the roadway with the surrounding area. Street trees buffer the sidewalk from the roadway and break down the scale of the street. They provide shade, aestheti- cally enhance the streetscape, and can be used to highlight important gateways or districts.
5 Recommendations
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