Morrisville Land Use Plan 2009
5.3 Future Land Use Categories, cont’d 9. INDUSTRIAL A. Function i. To provide for industrial uses as an integral component of the Town’s employment land use areas. ii. To encourage the co-location of industrial uses that are compatible with office, com- mercial, and other employment or institutional uses in the Town in an integrated and harmonious development character. iii. Campus-style industrial parks are appropriate along the major corridors of the Town. Warehouse, manufacturing and repair uses should be located along the less visible industrial collector roads. B. Preferred Uses i. Within the Industrial classification, land uses should include manufacturing, distribution, wholesale operations, warehouses, research facilities, flex space, business parks and nonresidential planned developments, and telecommunications facilities such as cell towers. ii. Limited retail and commercial services that serve the needs of adjacent industrial uses are appropriate in this designation. C. General Policies + Development Character i. Industrial projects should be compatible with the overall character and visual improve- ments in the surrounding areas. ii. Industrial uses are appropriate in this designation that are compatible with office, com- mercial, and residential development by virtue of size and the lack of outdoor storage, or manufacturing activities, and other activities or emissions that could have a detri- mental impact on surrounding residential or business uses. iii. Building placement, design details, and landscaping and screening should be used to minimize visual impacts on adjacent residential and other mixed uses. Heavy Industrial uses should be screened from major roads, public amenities, and surrounding uses that are not industrial. iv. Industrial uses should locate in areas where public utilities and facilities are adequate to support such uses. The provision of adequate facilities such as roads, water, sewer, electrical, telephone, and natural gas systems should be considered in review of an industrial rezoning request. v. Industrial districts should incorporate the provision of safe, convenient, and attractive pedestrian access to nearby residential areas and to local businesses for ancillary retail services and goods. vi. Development should be oriented away from sensitive natural resources, such as flood- plains and ponds to minimize the environmental impacts of new development. vii. Vehicular, bicycle, and pedestrian links should extend into the surrounding develop- ment.
This example of an industrial building features generous landscaping to reduce the visual impact along major roadways.
encouraged discouraged
Building placement, design details, and land- scaping and screening should be used to mini- mize visual impacts on adjacent residential and other mixed uses. Heavy Industrial uses should be screened from major roads, public amenities, and surrounding uses that are not industrial.
Industrial projects should be compatible with the overall character and visual improvements in the surrounding areas. Incorporating design features such as brick and extensive window openings helps to integrate industrial uses into the Town’s character.
5 Recommendations
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