Morrisville Land Use Plan 2009
6.6 Perimeter Park, cont’d
Figure 6.6 Morrisville Outlet Mall Redevelopment Illustration The plans on these pages show one possible way that the Airport Outlet Mall and surrounding areas could evolve over 20-30 years. This sequence shows a gradual redevelopment over time incorporating the following features: • The potential extension of curb-guided bus (RDU-RTP Circulator) along Sorrel Grove Church Road • Accommodating a curb-guided bus transit stop adjacent to the Outlet Mall as part of a future landscaped transit plaza adjacent to Airport Boulevard • Gradual infilling of sites adjacent to the Mall with buildings fronting on new or existing roadways that have been enhanced with pedes- trian and bike ways • The evolution of the area into a more compact walkable center, through a gridded street network, replacing surface parking with structured parking, and a vibrant streetscape lined with wide side- walks and shopping and recreational opportunities.
existing site
This is a general illustrative plan of one possible way that development could be phased over time. It shows structured parking in Phases 2 and 3, to support higher densities that are consistent with both the policies in the Land Use Plan and the proximity to high-speed regional transportation at the site. However, the density could be phased in over time with surface parking as well. For example, the buildings could be lower in height, or not fully built out along all sides of the block, both of which would allow some of the parking areas to be surface instead of structured in the near term, gradually transi- tioning to structured parking and higher densities as the land values increase over time.
6 Community Areas
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