Morrisville Land Use Plan 2009
7.0 A ction I tems , cont ’ d
Action Items
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014- 2035
2.6 Evaluate Possible Additional Mechanisms for Protecting Greenspace in a Nonresidential Context. Ordinances in place in Morrisville that require developers to reserve open space are currently focused on residential development. This item will explore the possibilities for additional open space protection as part of nonresidential development, within the Town’s existing legal limits.
Related Policies: 1F, 2B, 2C, 3D, 4B, 4C, 4E Estimated Cost: 120 hours of staff time Lead Agency(ies): Morrisville Planning Department, Parks and Recreation Department
Year One Goals/Activities : Coordinate with Parks, Recreation, & Cultural Resources Department on study scope Year 2-5 Goals/Activities: Work with IOG and other partners to evaluate additional options for protecting non-residential green space in the town Performance Measures: Complete recommendations for action by the end of 2012
Action Items
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014- 2035
Goal 3: Improve transportation mobility by integrating land uses with transportation infrastructure. 3.1 Establish Sidewalk Design Standards Linking Residential and Commercial Areas. In some instances, sidewalks have been built very close to residential homes. While having connections between residential and commercial areas is important, they need to be designed to minimize impact on residents. Address as part of UDO. Related Policies: 1B, 3E Estimated Cost: 80 hours of staff time Lead Agency(ies): Morrisville Planning and Engineering Departments Year One Goals/Activities : Research and develop revised sidewalk connectivity policy Year 2-5 Goals/Activities: None Performance Measures: Complete policy revisions in 2011
3.2 Establish a Provision for Bicycle and Pedestrian Amenities. Policies need to cover the provision of bicycle and pedestrian amenities during roadway construction and widening (to ensure that bicyclists and pedestrians are not negatively impacted during construction activities), and requirements for bicycle parking (quantity, type and location) as part of new development. See Figure 6.3 in the Transportation Plan for more information on bicycle parking. Address as part of UDO.
Related Policies: 1C, 3B, 3C, 3D, 3E Estimated Cost: 40 hours of staff time Lead Agency(ies): Morrisville Planning Department, Engineering Department, and Inspections Department
Year One Goals/Activities : Complete construction and parking policies; implement policies and construction inspection procedure Year 2-5 Goals/Activities: None Performance Measures: Implement pedestrian-bicycle construction and parking policies in 2010
3.3 Update Zoning Code for Future Transit Stops and Easements. This will include establishing a policy for developers to install or plan for transit amenities where future stops are indicated. Standards will include pedestrian, cycling, lighting and stop design to accommodate future public transit services. Related to Item 1.2; could be conducted at the same time. Address as part of UDO.
Related Policies: 1A, 3A, 3F Estimated Cost: 120 hours of staff time Lead Agency(ies): Morrisville Planning Department, with coordination between C-Tran and Triangle Transit organizations
Year One Goals/Activities : None Year 2-5 Goals/Activities: Establish transit station policy (refer to Transit Design Section of Transportation Plan) Performance Measures: Adopt transit station policy/ordinance code in 2010
3.4 Conduct a Detailed Study to Determine the Most Cost-Efficient Transit Service. The study will address a range of transit services, focusing on creating a service agreement with the Town of Cary to expand C-Tran service into Morrisville at a pace that synchro- nizes with the Cary planned improvements.
Related Policies: 1D, 5A-F Estimated Cost: 200 hours of staff time + $50,000 consultant fees Lead Agency(ies): Morrisville Planning Department in conjunction with C-Tran and Triangle Transit operators
Year One Goals/Activities : Complete coordination with C-Tran and Triangle Transit to devise scope of services for a detailed study; retain consultant (if needed); and develop/adopt Morrisville Transit Service Plan Year 2-5 Goals/Activities: None Performance Measures: Adoption of Morrisville Transit Service Plan in 2012. Evaluate on a periodic basis
3.5 Consider Whether to Increase Participation in the Wake County TRACS Service to Accommodate Additional Riders As Needed. Currently, there is not a need to expand the number of guaranteed seats beyond the current three.
Related Policies: 5C Estimated Cost: $10,000 annually (fee to Wake County Coordinated Transit Services)
Lead Agency(ies): Morrisville Planning Department in cooperation with Wake County Year One Goals/Activities : Dedicate funding to Wake County for doubling the number (from 3 to 6) guaranteed riders; conduct marketing through existing outlets Year 2-5 Goals/Activities: Review and adjust funding, as needed Performance Measures: Increase the number of Morrisville riders on the TRACS service
7 Action Items
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