Morrisville Land Use Plan 2009
A ppendix D. S ummary of P olicy F ramework and P olicy A udit The following section describes two separate documents created by the consultants dur- ing the planning process. Each document may be obtained by contacting the Town of Morrisville Planning Department. Policy Framework As a part of the Land Use and Transportation Plans Update Project (the “Project”), a com- prehensive inventory of the past and current planning and policy work has been under- taken. In all, 14 documents, plans, agencies, or procedures that deeply influence and shape the policy environment in Morrisville were considered. The Policy Framework Sum- mary provides a brief overview of existing documents and planning processes currently directing land use and transportation planning and policy in the Town of Morrisville. These include the following reports and agency interviews. • Morrisville Land Use Plan • The Town Center Master Plan
• North Morrisville-Shiloh Small Area Plan • The Parks and Greenways Master Plan • CORE Bicycle-Pedestrian-Green Space Plan • Zoning Ordinance • Subdivision Ordinance • Morrisville Transportation Plan • Town of Morrisville Design and Construction Ordinance • Parks and Greenways Master Plan • Prior and Current Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports (CAFRs) • Capital Area MPO • Raleigh-Durham International Airport • Triangle Transit • Development Procedure • BOC Vision Statement
The purpose of this policy review is to help planning staff, Plan Advisory Committee (PAC) members, and elected and appointed officials evaluate how current policies and regula- tions shape development in the Town. It is also intended to help identify the elements of the Town’s basic vision for future growth and development. This basic understanding of the existing policy framework and vision for the future of the Town is an important platform on which to base the update process for the Land Use and Transportation Plan Update Project that is currently underway. In connection with the Town Council’ stated goals, a few core themes have emerged from the policy analysis. These themes include those listed below. • Ensure that Morrisville remains a small town with a high quality of life and a bal- ance of stable residential neighborhoods and vibrant business centers that are attractively designed and compatibly located within a system of natural buffers and greenways. • Create a vibrant, walkable gathering place at Morrisville’s historic crossroads to help ensure that residents continue to enjoy the best qualities of small-town liv- ing as the community grows. Municipal bonds have been identified as a funding method. • Encourage development in areas that are served by public utilities and facilities. Review of proposed water and sewer facilities by the Town of Cary has been inte- grated into the Morrisville development review process. • Improve connectivity and manage traffic congestion with a convenient, accessi- ble multi-modal transportation system, and safe and well-designed streets through the Town. This objective may include an aggressive approach to incorporating traffic calming and low-impact design to maintain the livability of communities. Policy Audit The Land Use Policy Audit takes the Policy Framework Summary a step further by providing the consultant’s analysis of the key issues of conformance or lack of conformance be- tween the Town’s land use policies and regulations (specifically, the 1999 Land Use Plan, the zoning ordinance, subdivision ordinance, and other relevant plans). This analysis is organized according to the same overall themes that were identified in the Policy Frame- work Summary. The purpose of the following Land Use Policy Audit is to provide planning staff, PAC mem- bers, and elected and appointed officials with the consultant’s assessments of how consis- tently the existing policies and implementation mechanisms foster the type of growth and development that is envisioned for the future in the current Land Use Plan. The Land Use Policy Audit is intended to help identify potential disconnects between the Town’s stated policies, and their implementation through zoning and other codes. This report is organized into two sections. The first section provides a brief overview of the relationship between the thematic vision identified in the Policy Framework Summary and the 1999 Land Use Plan. The second section provides the consultant’s assessments of over- all consistency between the Land Use Plan, Zoning Ordinance, and other relevant docu- ments. This basic understanding of the existing policy and implementation framework for the Town is an important platform on which to base the update process for the Land Use and Transportation Plan Update Project that is currently underway.
D Policy Framework & Audit
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