Morrisville Land Use Plan 2021

Business Activity Centers feature a mix of uses that provide convenient, walkable retail and service options for adjacent offices and employment centers. Higher density residential and lodging uses are integrated throughout these areas to house the local workforce and generate evening demand for retail and service uses. Preferred Uses ⊲ Commercial retail and service ⊲ Restaurants ⊲ Cultural ⊲ Lodging and hospitality ⊲ Office ⊲ R&D/Life Sciences Business Activity Center

Key Considerations ⊲ Incorporate trails and centralized green- space for new office uses to help bolster employee wellness. ⊲ Ensure transit infrastructure is well-in- tegrated into employment nodes to entice local workforce to utilize public transportation. ⊲ Continue to include shared parking as a key strategy for future development as the various uses in these activity centers have peak parking demands at different times of the day. ⊲ Ensure that common open spaces like plazas or public seating areas are easily accessible and placed in locations with higher pedestrian activity and visibility. ⊲ Continue to allow flexibility in required parking if uses are within close range to transit stops.

⊲ Discourage large, expansive single-use office parks by dispersing them amongst other uses as smaller developments. ⊲ Consider offering incentives for the use of structured parking, such as density bonuses, allowable lot coverage increases, and height limit increases. ⊲ Encourage vertical mixed-use buildings where feasible to enhance activity along the street and improve the overall pedes- trian experience. ⊲ Utilize the McCrimmon Extension Subarea Plan for guidance on enhanced design stan- dards for Business Activity Center uses. ⊲ Continue the inclusion of life science uses if certain design characteristics can be met.

⊲ Multi-family residential ⊲ Mixed-use development ⊲ Institutional and civic

27 Morrisville Land Use Plan | Chapter 4 – Future Land Use

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