Morrisville Land Use Plan 2021

Land Use Considerations

As Morrisville continues to grow and evolve, the manner in which land is used and devel- oped will be directly influenced by a variety of factors and constraints. This Land Use Considerations chapter identifies core considerations that are likely to impact land use in the future. These considerations should be used to guide future public and private investments and inform the devel- opment review process as Morrisville faces issues related to land use and development over the life of this Plan. Together, they will ensure that future land use and develop- ment is viable, appropriate, and reflective of the community’s desired character, while providing the greatest benefits to Morrisville and its residents. Land Use Considerations have been orga- nized into the following four sections: ⊲ Development & Regulatory Considerations ⊲ Community Facilities & Infrastructure Considerations ⊲ Environmental Features & Open Space Considerations ⊲ Image & Identity Considerations

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Development & Regulatory Considerations

Community Facilities & Infrastructure Considerations

Environmental Features & Open Space Considerations Environmental features and open space include the greenery, foliage, forested areas, and other natural elements that make up the Morrisville landscape, as well as those facili- ties that make them accessible to residents. While these have helped define Morrisville in the past, growth and development have challenged their prominence within the Town, emphasizing their importance as public amenities. In addition to this chapter, these areas, particularly public parks, are addressed in the Town’s Parks and Recreation Master Plan.

Image & Identity Considerations

Both rapid growth and the pattern of devel- opment within Morrisville have challenged the Town’s image and left residents and visi- tors confused as to where and what Morris- ville truly is. The Towns’s image and identity are essential to creating a sense of commu- nity and making Morrisville a place that indi- viduals feel welcome and at home. Further, establishing and utilizing an image will help to foster a feeling of unity and cohesion and can communicate how the community wants to be seen by others and how the Town envi- sions itself in the future.

The Town’s regulatory framework defines how properties may be developed and helps shape the built environment. Regulations should support the Land Use Plan and related design principles that define the urban form, character, style, and intensity of future development. With a limited amount of land available for development, there must also be a strategic approach to the mix of uses and development types that are encouraged with a focus on maintaining a balanced housing stock that addresses the needs of a wide range of residents.

Community facilities and infrastructure focuses on the various elements critical to achieving a high quality of life in Morrisville. Overall, these are well-maintained and offer residents and businesses a strong foundation of support. As the community continues to grow, maintenance and upkeep of community facilities and particularly aging infrastructure will be important.

37 Morrisville Land Use Plan | Chapter 5 – Land Use Considerations

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