Morrisville Town Center Plan - 2007

Appendix 1

x No protections – there is still a risk of demolitions to historic structures x Achieving landmark status: issued by the Wake County Preservation Commission; 50% property tax referral; current owner has to agree. x Long-term goal should be to have the Town acquire the buildings it wishes to preserve x Retain a mix of old and new x Possibility of seeking funding for the historical center and associated education program that uses the history of Morrisville to help tell the history of North Carolina.

Public Brainstorm Session Highlights Things that should be considered for inclusion in the Town Center:

x Spray park x Places for families with children to enjoy nature

x Amphitheatre or performing arts center x Visitor Center that describes Town’s center x Use new aerial photos x Gardens/botanical gardens linked to historical structures x Library (Morrisville designated by the county for a community library at Cedar Forks Elementary/Community Center) x Integrated themes x Evening life – restaurants x Street lighting – unique style lighting, distinctive to Town Center, adequate brightness x Benches x Parks – good views (north of Baptist Church suggested) x Artist workshops/galleries x Historical markers/identification x Orientation Maps (you are here) x Include diversity of services that reflect diversity of community x Coherent image and sense of place x High-tech infrastructure x Town relationships with technology companies such as Cisco, Lenovo, etc. (partnering opportunities) x Business retention x Public gathering places/plaza/ fountain x Public space for public events x Business assistance/integration – business planning, physical appearance x Common landscaping theme with consistent vegetation x Old locomotive that could be toured x Pedestrian scale art x Public restrooms x Reconstruction of original train depot

52 │ Town Center Plan

January 2007

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