Morrisville UDO Administrative Manual_August 2021.2
Part 2. Application Review Procedures 2.4 Additional Application Procedures
Comprehensive Plan Amendment
• The PZB hears a presentation of the staff report and comments from other interested parties. The Board then discusses the application and staff report and adopts a motion to recommend that the Town Council adopt the amendment as proposed, adopt a revised amendment, or deny the amendment. • Planning staff notices the Town Council meeting at which the application will be presented in the local newspaper. ▪ If the application proposes to change the land use classification pertaining to specific properties, Planning staff posts a notice of the Town Council meeting at which the application will be presented on the reclassification site and mails notice to owners of properties within 500 feet of the site. ▪ If the application proposes to change the road classification of a specific road, Planning staff posts a notice of the Town Council meeting on the road with the proposed change. • The Town Council hears a presentation of the staff report and PZB recommendation, and comments from other interested parties. It then discusses the application and staff report and adopts an ordinance approving the amendment as proposed or approving a revised amendment, or a resolution denying the amendment. • In making its decision, the Town Council considers whether the extent to which the proposed amendment:
Pre-Application Conference
Application Submittal and Acceptance
Initial Staff Review and Comments
Notice of Issues with Applicable Review Standards
Application Revisions
Follow-Up Staff Review
Planning Staff Report and Recommendation
Notice of PZB Meeting if applicable
PZB Review and Recommendation with public comment session
Is required by changed conditions;
Addresses a demonstrated community need;
▪ Would result in a logical and orderly development pattern;
Notice of Town Council Meeting
▪ Would promote economic development and the well-being of Morrisville citizens; and ▪ Would significantly enhance the natural environment — including, but not limited to, water, air, noise, stormwater management, wildlife, vegetation, wetlands, and the natural functioning of the environment.
Town Council Review and Decision with public hearing
Conceptual Master Plan Approval
This procedure is intended to provide developers of relatively large and/or phased developments the option to submit a conceptual master plan to the Town Council for review and approval and thereby have a subsequent site plan for the development to go through the Site Plan Approval procedure
Something to Know Conceptual Master Plan Approval expires if no application for Site Plan Approval and/or Type 2 Subdivision approvals is submitted within five years after the date of approval.
Conceptual Master Plan Approval may be applied for only if the proposed development involves a site at least five acres in area, or a total gross floor area of at least 100,000 square feet or phasing of development over a three to five-year period.
See Section 2.5.4 in the UDO for specific application procedures.
Morrisville, NC
August 31, 2021
Administrative Manual
Page 2-11
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