Morrisville UDO Administrative Manual_August 2021.2
Part 4. Appendices 4.5 Checklists
Construction Plan Approval for a Site Plan Submittal Checklist (use this checklist for concurrent review applications)
For each listed item, check (√) if provided, write “n/a” if the feature does not exist or is not proposed, and write “w” if a waiver from the requirement is justified because it is unnecessary in the particular case to determine compliance with applicable regulations.
Staff Use Only
√, n/a, or w
√, n/a, or w
Application Submittal Requirement
18 Area and dimensions of each planting island in VUAs 19 VUA table that includes: • Square footage of VUA area • Number of required plantings, with supporting calculation (See Section 5.12.4.D, Interior Landscaping Standards, of UDO.) • Number of provided plantings 20 Location and depth of foundation planting areas (See Section 5.12.5, Foundation Plantings, of UDO.) 21 Location of planting strips and/or tree pits proposed to contain required street trees (See Section 5.12.6, Street Trees in the TOD and MS Districts, of UDO.) 22 Tree Protection Areas 23 The following note: All landscaping shall be maintained in perpetuity 24 The following note: All hotboxes and other on ground/free standing mechanical equipment shall be screened with vegetation prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Compliance/Occupancy 25 Location of all irrigation lines. M Lighting Plan 1 Location of proposed lighting fixtures (See Section 5.15, Exterior Lighting, of UDO.) Pole details, including height, color, and manufacturer 2 Fixture details, including color, graphic, shape, wattage, IESNA cutoff classification, lumen rating, and manufacturer. This includes both pole and fixtures affixed to building. 3 Footcandle grid (Not required on public streets) 4 Summary table that shows minimum, average and maximum FC values as well as the average to minimum uniformity ratio (Not required on public streets) 5 Maintenance factor (Not required on public streets) 6 Streetlight pole locations (This does include thoroughfares adjacent to the project) N Roadway Plan 1 Plan/Profile Sheet • Sufficient field survey beyond property lines for sight distance and/or transition to existing roadway • Proposed roadway design criteria • Layout adequately dimensioned, radius • Existing and proposed utilities 2 Pavement marking and street signage plan in accordance with the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices and/or NCDOT standards 3 Cross section 4 Pavement design O Details Sheet 1 Bike Rack 2 Fence (see Section 5.14, Fences and Walls, of UDO) 3 Standard details P Building Elevations 1 Label all building materials and colors (façade, cornices, awnings, storefronts, etc.) 2 Label each side of the building labeled at north, south, east, west 3 Label the number of stories 4 Label the overall building height and the height of each story 5 The height of structures above the roofline (e.g. parapets and towers) 6 The scale of the elevations 7 Location of each on-building light fixture 8 Location of roof-mounted mechanical equipment including proposed screening and a shadow (height and width) of the equipment 9 Location of screen wall for ground level mechanical equipment including shadow (height and width) of the equipment
Morrisville, NC
May 29, 2020
Administrative Manual
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