Morrisville UDO Administrative Manual - February 2020

Part 4 Appendices Checklists

Administrative Appeal Submittal Checklist For each listed item, check (√) if provided, write “n/a” if the feature does not exist or is not proposed, and write “w” if a waiver from the requirement is justified because it is unnecessary in the particular case to determine compliance with applicable regulations. Staff Use Only √, n/a, or w Application Submittal Requirement √, n/a, or w

4 Location and relevant dimensions of any proposed development to which the appealed staff decision applied (ex.: the outline and dimensions of the building affected by staff decision re application of a minimum yard depth or setback regulation) 5 Inset map showing site’s location relative to County’s municipalities and major roads 6 Title block showing name and address of site owner(s), name of plan designer, parcel identification number (PIN), date map prepared (and revised), bar scale, north arrow, and title “General Variance Site Plan” D Other 1 List of the parcel identification numbers (PINs) and owners of the applicant, the owners of the application site, and all properties abutting the site. This is provided by the Planning Department upon request.


Alternative Equivalent Compliance

Alternative Equivalent Compliance Submittal Checklist For each listed item, check (√) if provided, write “n/a” if the feature does not exist or is not proposed, and write “w” if a waiver from the requirement is justified because it is unnecessary in the particular case to determine compliance with applicable regulations. Staff Use Only √, n/a, or w Application Submittal Requirement √, n/a, or w A Documents to be Submitted


A detailed description of the request


Evidence supporting Findings of Fact



1 List of the parcel identification numbers (PINs) and owners (and their mailing addresses) of all parcels within 500 feet. This is provided by the Planning Department upon request.


Alternative Standards (EDCM)

Alternative Standards (EDCM) Submittal Checklist For each listed item, check (√) if provided, write “n/a” if the feature does not exist or is not proposed, and write “w” if a waiver from the requirement is justified because it is unnecessary in the particular case to determine compliance with applicable regulations. Staff Use Only √, n/a, or w Application Submittal Requirement √, n/a, or w A Documents to be Submitted


Detailed description of the request(s)


Supporting calculations, plans, and details

Morrisville, NC

September 13, 2019

Administrative Manual

Page 4-45

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