Morrisville UDO Administrative Manual - February 2020
Part 4 Appendices Checklists
New Telecommunication Facility Construction Plan Approval for a Site Plan (Major or Minor) Submittal Checklist For each listed item, check (√) if provided, write “n/a” if the feature does not exist or is not proposed, and write “w” if a waiver from the requirement is justified because it is unnecessary in the particular case to determine compliance with applicable regulations. Staff Use Only √, n/a, or w Application Submittal Requirement √, n/a, or w 26 Label all manholes that are greater than 4’ in diameter. 27 Water System
28 Show existing public waterlines and appurtenances, show existing and proposed easements for all proposed water lines, indicate status of easement acquisition across any off-site properties 29 Show existing and proposed hydrants F Grading and Drainage Plan (if applicable) 1 An overall drainage and grading plan shall be provided showing existing and proposed contours. 1% minimum slope impervious areas, 2% minimum slope pervious areas. 2 Stormwater Layout Design • Location and dimensions of pipes, culverts, and other storm drain system elements • Stormwater Table- drainage structure ID, rim/grate, pipe diameter, material, slope, inlet and outlet inverts, structure type, drainage area and flow into the pipe structure • Public drainage easements for all pipes collecting water from public right-of-ways • Any extensions of storm drain outfalls across adjoining property and any private drainage easements needed to ensure discharge into natural watercourse 3 Stormwater Quality/Quantity Best Management Practices (BMPs) • Each BMP shall be on an individual plan sheet with associated BMP specific plan & profile/section views, and all applicable construction details • Include a table of pertinent design parameters with columns indicating Existing/Required, Design/Provided, and As-Built columns including, but not limited to: • Drainage Area (sf) • Surface Area of BMP (sf) (per BMP Manual requirements) • Land use Areas (sf) (Impervious, Open Space, Woodlands, etc.) • Design Storm Flows (Q 1 , Q 2 , Q 10 , Q 25 & Q 100 ) • Design StormWater Surface Elevations • Free Board • Other pertinent BMP specific parameters • Table of maximum allowable impervious area proposed for each lot/outparcel 4 Grading/Drainage plans • Plan-Drainage structure ID, rim/grate, inlet and outlet inverts, pipe diameter, material and slope • One (1) foot contour lines • Spot elevations along accessible routes, ramps, parking stalls, building entrances, corners, curb/pavement corners and grade changes, high points, tie-in points, swales, etc. • Location of all existing and proposed utilities (screened), and blow-up of utility conflicts • All existing and proposed easements • FEMA 100-year floodplain and floodway boundaries including FIRM number • Surface waters (show & label top of bank) & wetlands • Location, width, and type of each riparian buffer encroaching within the site measured from the top of the stream bank • Show all building roof leaders G Soil Erosion Control Plan - see Wake County Environmental Services for requirements H Tree Survey (See Section 5.4.3, Tree Survey, of UDO) 1 Property lines per the Existing Survey Sheet 2 The latest available aerial photograph of the development site 3 Stands of trees, include the location, area, predominant species, general health, estimated tree number, and average DBH 4 Specimen trees, show the location, species, general health, and DBH 5 Dead or diseased trees, where practical
Morrisville, NC
September 13, 2019
Administrative Manual
Page 4-67
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