Morrisville UDO Administrative Manual - February 2020

Part 2. Application Review Procedures 2.3 Common Application Procedures

Performance Guarantees

Things to Know ▪

• The holder of the performance guarantee is required to complete a Request for Performance Guarantee Release/Reduction form to release or reduce the guarantee after the public infrastructure improvements, stormwater device, and/or landscaping have been completed in accordance with approved plans and specifications. • No performance guarantee for public infrastructure improvements shall be reduced to less than 30 percent of the full amount of the performance guarantee until all guaranteed public infrastructure improvements have been completed by the owner or developer.

The amount of a performance guarantees and payments in lieu of public improvements are 125 percent of the estimated full cost of completing the construction or installation of the required public improvements or landscaping. ▪ The Town Council may waive or reduce the amount of a performance guarantee where the improvements are being installed with federal funds or in other circumstances where there is third-party assurance of their completion.

• No performance guarantee for required private site improvements, such as replacement trees, buffer screening, and landscaping, shall be reduced to less than 75 percent of the full amount of the performance guarantee, until all guaranteed private site improvements, replacement trees, buffer screening, and landscaping have been completed by the owner or developer.

• See Section 8.1.4 & 7.4.4 in the UDO for specific application procedures. Maintenance Guarantees

• The Town requires the submittal of a maintenance security prior to the acceptance of the BMP as- builts. maintenance guarantees are a one-time cash payment equal to 30 percent of the total estimated construction cost of the BMPs approved under the permit. • Maintenance guarantees for public infrastructure improvements and landscaping shall be in an amount equal to at least 20 percent of the full actual cost of installation. • Stormwater management

Things to Know ▪ Stormwater management maintenance guarantees are held in perpetuity. ▪ The Town may require a higher maintenance guarantee on determining it is necessary to cover the costs of greater than usual damage or deterioration that might be expected to result from on-going construction activities in the development. ▪ The Town Council may waive or reduce the amount of a maintenance security where alternative means of ensuring proper maintenance of the improvements or landscaping are used.

• See Section 8.2.2 in the UDO for specific application procedures.

Pre-Construction Conference, Notice, and Report

Pre-Construction Conference

Things to Know ▪

• The developer sets up a pre-construction conference with Engineering at least three days before starting construction. • The purpose of such conference is to ensure the scope of work and the corresponding method of construction and testing are acceptable and noting when site inspections are required to be conducted by Town staff in accordance with the Engineering Design and Construction Manual. • A primary point of contact shall be established at the Pre- construction conference.

The primary point of contact will serve as the direct contact for all project related correspondence and will be responsible for disseminating information to sub-contractors and other project partners as necessary. If the developer fails to provide notice of existing infrastructure deficiencies, such deficiencies may be deemed as construction damage for which they will be held responsible.

July 1, 2019

Morrisville, NC

Page 2-6

Administrative Manual

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