Morrisville UDO Administrative Manual - February 2020

Part 2. Application Review Procedures 2.4 Additional Application Procedures

Special Event Permit

The UDO defines “special events” as temporary activities or events conducted by civic, philanthropic, educational, or religious organizations (e.g., fundraising or membership drives, road races, carnivals, fairs, circuses, tent revivals)—or activities of a business or organization that are not part of its daily activities and are open to the public (e.g., closeout sales, grand openings). Section 4.4, Temporary Uses/Structures, of the UDO designates special events as an allowed temporary use subject to a set of standards specific to special events (see Section 4.4.5.B.7, Special Event, of the UDO). A special event permit request must be submitted using the request form (see 4.4.8), and all items provided on the checklist (see 4.5.26) must be provided. This procedure is required for certain uses that may be appropriate in a particular zoning district, but because of their nature, extent, and external effects, require special consideration of their location, design, and methods of operation before they can be determined appropriate in the district and compatible with their surroundings. See Section 2.5.5 in the UDO for specific application procedures. Special Use Permit Various types of telecommunication facilities are permitted as principal uses. Table 4.2.4: Principal Use Table in the Unified Development Ordinance outlines which types of facilities are permitted where and through what type of approval process. Site plan (major or minor) approval is required for new facilities while modifications or co- locations require bulletin drawing approval. In some cases, a Special Use Permit is also required. See review procedures for those applications. Telecommunications Facility Approvals

Things to Know ▪

The Planning, Police, Fire, Inspections, and Parks, Recreation, and Cultural Resources Departments review the permit for compliance with all applicable regulations. ▪ Issuance of a Special Event Permit authorizes the use of land or structures, including any approved temporary structures, for the approved special event. ▪ A special event cannot exceed a collective total of 20 days or four weekends (Saturday and Sunday) within any calendar year, except where the site is publicly-owned property and used for events sponsored by the Town for the enjoyment or enrichment of its citizens.

Things to Know ▪

Approval of a Special Use Permit application expires if the Special Use Permit is not recorded within 30 days after the deadline for court appeals. ▪ A recorded Special Use Permit expires if an application for Construction Plan Approval for the approved development is not accepted for review within one year after approval of the Special Use Permit application.

Things to Know ▪

The Planning department leads the review of telecommunication facility applications and distributes submittals to other departments as needed for review. ▪ All telecommunication facility applications are also reviewed by telecommunication consultants. ▪ Federal requirements must be met with supporting documentation.

The Wireless Telecommunications Facilities Master Plan also provides information on priority locations for various types of telecommunication facilities.

See Section 4.2.5.D.4 of the UDO for specific requirements for each type of facility.

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