Morrisville UDO Administrative Manual_July 2023

Part 1. Introduction6
1.1. Purpose6
1.2. For Help in Using this Manual6
1.3. Development Review Process Chart6
Part 2. Application Review Procedures9
2.1. Introduction9
2.2. Standard Review Procedures9
2.2.1. Pre-Application Conference9
2.2.2. Application Submittal and Acceptance9
2.2.3. Staff Review and Action10
2.2.4. Public Meeting Notice10
2.2.5. Planning and Zoning Board Review and Recommendation10
2.2.6. Planning and Zoning Board or Town Council Review and Decision11
2.2.7. Post-Decision Actions11
2.3. Common Application Procedures11
2.3.1. Site Plan Approval12
2.3.2. Subdivision Approval12
A. Preliminary Plat Approval12
B. Final Plat Approval12
C. Determination of Subdivision Exclusion12
2.3.3. Construction Plan Approval / Stormwater Management Permit13
2.3.4. Payment in Lieu of Public Improvements, Performance Guarantees, and Maintenance Guarantees13
A. Payment in Lieu of Construction of Public Street Improvements13
B. Performance Guarantees13
C. Maintenance Guarantees14
2.3.5. Pre-Construction Conference, Notice, and Report14
A. Pre-Construction Conference14
B. Pre-Construction Notice14
C. Pre-Construction Report14
2.3.6. Building Permit15
2.3.7. Inspections during Development15
2.3.8. Stormwater Final Inspection and As-Built Plans16
2.3.9. Certificate of Compliance/Occupancy16
2.3.10. Sign Permit16
2.4. Additional Application Procedures16
2.4.1. Annexation16
A. General16
B. Voluntary Annexation Procedure17
2.4.2. Bulletin Drawing17
A. General17
B. Bulletin Drawing Approval Procedure17
2.4.3. Comprehensive Plan Amendment18
A. General18
B. Comprehensive Plan Amendment Review Procedure18
2.4.4. Conceptual Master Plan Approval19
2.4.5. Floodplain Development Permit20
2.4.6. Food Truck Permit20
2.4.7. Grave Removal20
A. General20
B. Grave Removal Approval Procedure20
2.4.8. Interpretation21
2.4.9. Plot Plan21
2.4.10. Retaining Wall21
A. General21
B. Retaining Wall Review Procedure22
1. Design and Submittal Requirements22
2. Construction Requirements22
3. Post Construction22
2.4.11. Right-of-Way Encroachment Agreement22
2.4.12. Riparian Buffer Development Review23
2.4.13. Road Closure23
A. General23
B. Road Closure Procedure23
2.4.14. Road Renaming24
A. General24
B. Road Renaming Procedure24
2.4.15. Site-Specific Development Plan Designation24
2.4.16. Special Event Permit24
2.4.17. Special Use Permit25
2.4.18. Telecommunications Facility Approvals25
2.4.19. Unified Development Ordinance Amendments25
A. Rezoning (Map Amendment)25
B. Text Amendment26
2.4.20. Zoning Compliance Letter26
2.4.21. Transportation Impact Analysis27
A. General27
B. Review Procedures27
2.5. Procedures for Flexibility, Variances, and Appeals27
2.5.1. Administrative Adjustment27
2.5.2. Administrative Appeal28
2.5.3. Alternative Equivalent Compliance28
2.5.4. Alternative Standards29
2.5.5. Development Agreement29
2.5.6. Variance29
A. General Variance Review Procedure29
B. Riparian Buffer Variance Review Procedure30
C. Stormwater Variance Review Procedure30
Part 3. Outside Agency Permits and Approvals31
3.1. Local Agency and Utility Approvals31
3.1.1. Wake County Erosion and Sedimentation Control Regulations31
3.1.2. Wake County Road Name Approvals31
3.1.3. Town of Cary Water and Sewer Approvals31
3.1.4. Other Utilities31
A. Duke Energy31
B. PSNC Energy31
C. Telecommunication Services31
3.2. State Agency Permits and Approvals32
3.2.1. NCDOT Driveway Permits, Right-of-Way Encroachment Agreements, Street Design32
3.2.2. North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Permits and Approvals32
3.3. Raleigh-Durham International Airport34
3.3.1. RDU Sample Avigation Easement34
Part 4. Appendices36
4.1. Town Documents Related to Land Development36
4.1.1. Comprehensive Plan36
4.1.2. Regulations and Guidelines37
4.1.3. Brochures, Examples, and Miscellaneous Agreements/Petitions38
4.2. Contacts38
4.2.1. Town of Morrisville Contacts38
A. Planning Department38
B. Engineering Department38
C. Engineering Department – Stormwater38
D. Inspections Department38
E. Fire Department38
F. Parks, Recreation, and Cultural Resources Department38
G. Public Works38
4.2.2 Outside Agency Contacts38
H. Duke Energy Progress38
I. PSNC Energy [Natural Gas]38
J. State of North Carolina39
1. Emergency Management – Flood Maps and Determinations39
2. Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources39
3. Department of Transportation39
4. Division of Water Resources – Riparian Buffers; 401 Certificates39
K. Town of Cary39
L. Wake County39
M. Raleigh-Durham International Airport40
4.3 Plant Lists40
4.3.1 General40
A. Plant Characteristics + Conditions Definitions40
B. Plant Characteristics + Conditions Key40
4.3.2 Required Species Diversity40
4.3.3 Recommended Trees and Shrubs41
4.3.4 Non-Woody Plant Material62
4.3.5 Prohibited Plants63
A. Plant List Sources64
4.4 Applications, Permits, and forms65
4.4.1 Development Application65
4.4.2 Annexation Petition65
4.4.3 Assessment Inquiry Request Form65
4.4.4 Food Truck Permit Request Form65
4.4.5 Home Occupation Permit Request Form65
4.4.6 Performance Guarantee Release/Reduction Request Form65
4.4.7 Sign Permit Application65
4.4.8 Special Event Permit Request Form65
4.4.9 Street Vendor Permit Request Form66
4.4.10 Stockpiling Permit Application66
4.4.11 Telecommunication Application66
4.4.12 Zoning Compliance Letter Request Form66
4.5 Checklists67
4.5.1 Site Plan Approval67
4.5.2 Concurrent Construction and Site Plan Approval78
4.5.3 Preliminary Subdivision Plat Approval (Type 1 or Type 2)89
4.5.4 Construction Plan Approval for a Type 1 or 2 Preliminary Subdivision Plat97
4.5.5 Construction Plan Approval for Infrastructure Projects106
4.5.6 Administrative Adjustment111
4.5.7 Administrative Appeal111
4.5.8 Alternative Equivalent Compliance112
4.5.9 Alternative Standards (EDCM)113
4.5.10 Bulletin Drawing113
4.5.11 Comprehensive Plan Amendment114
4.5.12 Annexation114
4.5.13 Conceptual Master Plan Approval115
4.5.14 Development Agreement116
4.5.15 Final Plat116
4.5.16 Food Truck Permit119
4.5.17 Floodplain Development Permit119
4.5.18 Interpretation119
4.5.19 Mural120
4.5.20 Plot Plan121
4.5.21 Retaining Wall122
4.5.22 Riparian Buffer Development Review122
4.5.23 Riparian Buffer Variance123
4.5.24 Structures in the Right-of-Way Encroachment Agreement124
4.5.25 Rezoning124
4.5.26 Sign Permit125
4.5.27 Site-Specific Development Plan Designation127
4.5.28 Special Event Permit127
4.5.29 Special Use Permit128
4.5.30 Stormwater Variance130
4.5.31 Street Vendor131
4.5.32 Telecommunications Facility Collocation/Modification131
4.5.33 Telecommunications Facility New Tower132
4.5.34 Variance Submittal139
4.6 Fee Schedules141
4.6.1 Application and Inspections Fee Schedule141
4.7 Certifications and Approval Blocks141
4.7.1 Acceptance of Public Dedication141
4.7.2 Certificate of Approval of the Design and Installation of Streets, Public Utilities, and Other Required Improvements141
4.7.3 Certificate of Approval for Recording141
4.7.4 Review Officer Certification142
4.7.5 Tree Preservation Certificate142
4.7.6 Certificates of Ownership143 Subdivision Plat143 Exempt Plats144
4.7.7 Cross Access Agreement144
4.7.8 Exempt Plat Certification145
4.7.9 Review Officer Certification Surveyor’s Certificate and Seal Certifying the Following145
4.7.10 Town of Cary145
4.8 Final Plat Standard Easement Blocks146
4.8.1 Conservation Easement146
4.8.2 Entry Monument/Signage and Landscape Easement146
4.8.3 Private Access Easement146
4.8.4 Private Open Space146
4.8.5 Private Retaining Wall Easement146
4.8.6 Public Access Easement146
4.8.7 Public Greenway Easement147
4.8.8 Public Sidewalk Easement147
4.8.9 Public Utility Easement147
4.8.10 Sight Triangle Easement147
4.8.11 Storm Drainage Easements147 Private Storm Drainage Easement147 Public Storm Drainage Easement147
4.8.12 Stormwater Control Measure and Access Easement148
4.9 Review Schedules149
4.9.1 Planning and Zoning Board Quasi-Judicial Decision Review Schedule149
4.9.2 Staff Decision Review Timeframes150
4.9.3 Town Council Decision Review Schedules151
A. Administrative Review Schedules151 Type 1 Subdivision Preliminary Plat151 Site Specific Development Plan Designation152 Right-of-Way Encroachment Agreement153
B. Legislative Review Schedules154 Comprehensive Plan Amendment and General Rezoning154 Conceptual Master Plan and Planned Development Rezoning155 Conditional Rezoning156
C. Quasi-Judicial Review Schedules157 Special Use Permit and Alternative Equivalent Compliance Review Schedule157
4.10 Transportation Impact Analysis158
4.10.1 Content of the Analysis158
B. Site Location, Access, and Background Information158
C. Existing Analysis158
D. Future No-Build Analysis158
E. Trip Generation159
F. Trip Distribution and Assignment159
G. Future Build Analysis159
H. Future Build Improved Analysis159
I. Supplemental Analysis159
J. Summary of Findings and Identified Improvements159
K. Appendices159
4.10.2 Analysis Standards160
A. Analysis Period160
B. Annual Growth Rate160
B. Analysis Software160
C. Analysis Study Area Boundary160
D. Analysis Scenarios161
E. Traffic Counts161
F. Trip Generation Standards161
1. Internal Capture161
2. Pass-by Trips162
G. Signal Analysis162
H. Modifications to Analysis Standards163

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