Morrisville UDO Administrative Manual_July 2023
Part 4. Appendices 4.5 Checklists
Conceptual Master Plan Approval
Conceptual Master Plan Approval Submittal Checklist For each listed item, check (√) if provided, write “ n/a ” if the feature does not exist or is not proposed, and write “ w ” if a waiver from the requirement is justified because it is unnecessary in the particular case to determine compliance with applicable regulations.
Staff Use Only
√, n/a, or w
√, n/a, or w
Application Submittal Requirement
A Basic Information 1 Sets of plans – 24"x36", including all reports/documents B Existing Conditions Map 1 Title: Conceptual Master Plan: Existing Conditions Map 2 Date, north point and scale of drawing
3 A vicinity map sufficient to define the location and boundaries of the development site, the location an identity of the fronting and nearest cross streets, and Tax Assessor’s map numbers for the site 4 An aerial photograph showing the development site and properties within 250 feet of it 5 The size, dimensions, and zoning, including dimensions and gross area of each lot or parcel tax lot and Tax Assessor’s map designations for the proposed site and pr operties within 100 feet of the site 6 The location, dimensions and names, as appropriate, of existing and platted streets and alleys on and within 250 feet of the perimeter of the property, together with the location and dimensions of existing and planned easements, sidewalks, bike routes and bikeways, pedestrian/bicycle access ways and other pedestrian or bicycle ways, transit streets and facilities, neighborhood activity centers, and the location of other important features such as section lines, section corners, Town boundary lines and monuments Contour lines related to some established benchmark or other datum approved by the Town Engineer and having minimum intervals as follows: • For slopes of less than ten percent, two feet; • For slopes of ten percent to 20 percent, five feet. For slopes of over 20 percent, ten feet; • For slopes of over 20 percent, ten feet. 8 The location of natural resource areas on and within 100 feet of the site, including fish and wildlife habitat, natural areas, wooded areas, areas of significant trees or vegetation, wetlands and other water resources, and significant features such as large rock outcroppings and scenic views 9 The location, dimensions and setback distances of all existing permanent structures, improvements and utilities on and within 25 feet of the site, and the current or proposed uses of the structures C Proposed Development Plans 1 The approximate projected location, acreage, type and density of the proposed development 2 A preliminary site access and circulation plan showing the approximate location of proposed vehicular, bicycle, and pedestrian access points and circulation patterns, parking and loading areas or, in the alternative, proposed criteria for the location of such facilities to be determined during Site Plan review D Narrative Statement 1 A description, approximate location and timing of each proposed phase of development 2 An explanation of how the proposed development is consistent with the purposes of the UDO and the intent of the appropriate zoning district 3 A summary statement describing the anticipated traffic impacts of the proposed development 4 A statement describing the impacts of the proposed development on natural and cultural resources that are located within or adjacent to the proposed site 7
Morrisville, NC
August 7, 2023
Administrative Manual
Page 54
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