Morrisville UDO Administrative Manual_July 2023

Part 2. Application Review Procedures 2.3 Common Application Procedures

Things to Know ▪

Site Plan Approval

Where a Site Plan Approval application is submitted concurrently with a Construction Plan Approval application, the applicant benefits from a more streamlined review, but incurs greater up front costs in preparing detailed plans and the risk of greater costs that might be involved if such plans have to be substantially revised multiple times. A Transportation Impact Analysis is required for site plans. ▪ Combined Site Plan and Construction Plan applications will pay both fees, outlined in the fee schedule, for each application but will receive an additional review included in the fees. ▪ Any changes to a site plan after it is accepted for review will likely cost the applicant additional time and fees. ▪ Site Plan Approval expires if no significant work is done pursuant to the approval within two years after the date of approval. ▪ Staff decisions on a Site Plan Approval application may be appealed to the Planning and Zoning Board through the Administrative Appeal procedure.

• Site Plan Approval by the Planning Director is required for any of the following developments, unless specifically exempted in the UDO: ▪ Development in accordance with a valid Planned Development (PD) Plan/Agreement; ▪ Development in accordance with a valid Conceptual Master Plan Approval; ▪ Development in accordance with a valid Special Use Permit approval; ▪ Development of any principal use designated in UDO Table 4.2.4, Principal Use Table, as permitted with Site Plan Approval by Town staff;

Accessory uses and structures; and

Temporary uses and structures.

• See Section 2.5.7 in the UDO for specific application procedures.

Subdivision Approval

Preliminary Plat Approval

• There are two types of preliminary plat subdivision approvals: Type 1 and Type 2. The following summarizes these two types of subdivisions:

Things to Know ▪

▪ A Type 1 Subdivision is any preliminary plat proposing single-family detached, attached, or duplex dwellings not voluntarily complying with Section 5.9.7 of the Unified Development Ordinance. ▪ A Type 2 Subdivision is any preliminary plat proposing single-family detached, attached, or duplex dwellings voluntarily complying with Section 5.9.7 of the Unified Development Ordinance. • See Section 2.5.6 in the UDO for specific application procedures. Final Plat Approval • The final step in the Subdivision Approval process is the final plat recordation. • See Section 2.5.6 in the UDO for specific application procedures. Determination of Subdivision Exclusion

A Type 1 or Type 2 Subdivision Preliminary Plat Approval expires if no significant work is done in two years. If a development requires payment in lieu of providing required public recreation area, the payment is due to the Town before recording the approved Final Plat. Final Plats expire if the applicant fails to record the plat within 30 days after the approval. Recorded Final Plats do not expire.

• An application for a Determination of Subdivision Exclusion must meet one of the activities specifically listed as excluded from the definition of “subdivision” in the UDO.

• See Section 2.5.6 in the UDO for specific application procedures.

Morrisville, NC

July 2023 Page 2-4

Administrative Manual

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