Morrisville UDO Administrative Manual_July 2023
Part 4. Appendices 4.5 Checklists
Sign Permit
Sign Permit Submittal Checklist For each listed item, check (√) if provided, write “ n/a ” if the feature does not exist or is not proposed, and write “ w ” if a waiver from the requirement is justified because it is unnecessary in the particular case to determine compliance with applicable regulations.
Staff Use Only
√, n/a, or w
√, n/a, or w
Application Submittal Requirement
A Documents to be Submitted
1 Set of drawings of the sign design and specifications
2 Plans (11"x17" inches or larger, signed/sealed by NC design professional) showing the location of the sign(s) (on an approved Site Plan if available), distance from the street rights-of-way and sidewalks B Ground-Mounted Signs A, B, or C (Requirements for Scaled Drawings)
1 Number of proposed sign(s)
2 Area and dimensions per face sign(s)
3 Height of the sign(s)
4 Image of ground-mounted sign
5 Location of signs(s)
6 Number and location of existing Ground-Mounted sign(s)
C Wall-Mounted Fascia Sign (Requirements for Scaled Drawings)
1 Number of proposed sign(s)
2 Area and dimensions per face sign(s)
3 Height of the sign
4 Façade wall location
5 Measurement of linear feet of the building wall the sign is placed on
6 Percentage of wall coverage
7 Image of sign
8 Number of tenants in building, if applying for multiple tenants
D Projection Fascia Sign (Requirements for Scaled Drawings)
1 Number of signs
2 Area and dimensions per face sign(s)
3 Height of the sign
4 Clearance height
5 Projection from building
6 Image of sign
7 Measurement of linear feet of the building wall the sign is placed on
E Bracket-Mounted Sign (Requirements for Scaled Drawings)
1 Number of signs
2 Sign dimensions
3 Clearance height
4 Projection from building
5 Image of sign
F Awning-Mounted Sign (Requirements for Scaled Drawings)
Morrisville, NC
August 7, 2023
Administrative Manual
Page 64
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