Morrisville UDO Administrative Manual_July 2023
Part 4. Appendices 4.5 Checklists
Special Event Permit Approval Submittal Checklist For each listed item, check (√) if provided, write “n/a” if the feature does not exist or is not proposed, and write “w” if a waiver from the requirement is justified because it is unnecessary in the particular case to determine compliance with applicable regulations.
Staff Use Only
√, n/a, or w
√, n/a, or w
Application Submittal Requirement
B Fire Department (919) 463-6123
1 If applicable, the Fire Department will need a NC Department of Labor inspection certification for any bounce houses. Please call ahead if you plan to drop forms off in person. 2 If applicable, the Fire Department will need to inspect any bounce houses on the day of the event. You must contact the Fire Marshal to schedule an inspection. 3 If applicable, the Fire Department will need to be notified of any performances that involve pyrotechnics. You must contact the Fire Marshal for any pyrotechnics approvals. 4 If applicable, the Fire Department will need to inspect any tents larger than 200 sq ft. The inspection would need to take place the day of the event. You must contact the Fire Marshal to schedule an inspection. C Police Department (919) 463-1600 1 If applicable, the Police Department will need approve of any proposed alternative traffic patterns and/or street closures that are needed for the event. NCDOT must also approve of any alternative traffic patterns and/or street closures that directly affect NCDOT-maintained roads. 2 If applicable, the Police Department will need to confirm that you have agreed to hire/assign off duty/on-duty officers in order to manage crowds, alternative traffic patterns, and/or road closures. D Public Works Department (919) 463-7070 1 If applicable, you will need to work with the Public Works Department in order to obtain the necessary amount of traffic cones for any alternative traffic patterns and/or road closures. Road cones will be available for pickup prior to the event but must be returned afterwards. Applicants are responsible for setting up traffic cones. Traffic cone placement must adhere to alternative traffic patterns and street 1 If applicable, please finalize all facility/park space rental agreements with the Parks, Recreation, & Cultural Resources Department F Planning Department: (919) 463-6210 1 Please provide a diagram indicating all available parking areas for the event, tents/temporary structures, bounce houses, performance spaces, restroom facilities, and vendors. Please note that adequate restroom facilities for attendees are required. Parking areas not operated by the applicant must provide written permission for their use. If there is not enough parking at the site, off-site parking must be made available. A shuttle service is typically implemented whenever off-site parking is necessary. Any temporary structures must comply with the State Building Code. 2 Please notify adjoining property owners of your event and provide proof of notification. For course events on roadways, sidewalks, or trails such as run/walk events, cycling events, and parades you must place one (1) notification sign for every 3,280 feet (1 kilometer) of the course. 3 Please provide a route map for any course events. 4 You must contact the Planning Department once you have completed all applicable tasks listed above. The Planning Department will then verify task(s) completion with responsible departments and issue a permit. closures approved by the Police Department and Public Works. E Parks Rec. & Cult. Resources Department (919) 463-7110
Special Use Permit
Special Use Permit Submittal Checklist For each listed item, check (√) if provided, write “ n/a ” if the feature does not exist or is not proposed, and write “ w ” if a waiver from the requirement is justified because it is unnecessary in the particular case to determine compliance with applicable regulations.
Staff Use Only
√, n/a, or w
√, n/a, or w
Application Submittal Requirement
A Basic Information 1 Fee payment B Existing Conditions Map
Morrisville, NC
August 7, 2023
Administrative Manual
Page 67
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