Morrisville UDO Administrative Manual_July 2023
Part 4. Appendices 4.5 Checklists
New Telecommunication Facility Construction Plan Approval for a Site Plan (Major or Minor) Submittal Checklist For each listed item, check (√) if provided, write “n/a” if the feature does not exist or is not proposed, and write “w” if a waiver from the requirement is justified because it is unnecessary in the particular case to determine compliance with applicable regulations. Staff Use Only √, n/a, or w Application Submittal Requirement √, n/a, or w • Any extensions of storm drain outfalls across adjoining property and any private drainage easements needed to ensure discharge into natural watercourse 3 Stormwater Quality/Quantity Best Management Practices (BMPs) • Each BMP shall be on an individual plan sheet with associated BMP specific plan & profile/section views, and all applicable construction details • Include a table of pertinent design parameters with columns indicating Existing/Required, Design/Provided, and As-Built columns including, but not limited to: • Drainage Area (sf)
• Surface Area of BMP (sf) (per BMP Manual requirements) • Land use Areas (sf) (Impervious, Open Space, Woodlands, etc.) • Design Storm Flows (Q 1 , Q 2 , Q 10 , Q 25 & Q 100 ) • Design Storm Water Surface Elevations • Free Board • Other pertinent BMP specific parameters • Table of maximum allowable impervious area proposed for each lot/outparcel 4 Grading/Drainage plans • Plan-Drainage structure ID, rim/grate, inlet and outlet inverts, pipe diameter, material and slope • One (1) foot contour lines • Spot elevations along accessible routes, ramps, parking stalls, building entrances, corners, curb/pavement corners and grade changes, high points, tie-in points, swales, etc. • Location of all existing and proposed utilities (screened), and blow-up of utility conflicts • All existing and proposed easements • FEMA 100-year floodplain and floodway boundaries including FIRM number • Surface waters (show & label top of bank) & wetlands • Location, width, and type of each riparian buffer encroaching within the site measured from the top of the stream bank • Show all building roof leaders G Soil Erosion Control Plan - see Wake County Environmental Services for requirements H Tree Survey (See Section 5.4.3, Tree Survey, of UDO) 1 Property lines per the Existing Survey Sheet 2 The latest available aerial photograph of the development site 3 Stands of trees, include the location, area, predominant species, general health, estimated tree number, and average DBH 4 Specimen trees, show the location, species, general health, and DBH 5 Dead or diseased trees, where practical 6 The percentage of the development site area covered by existing tree canopy (excluding all proposed street rights-of-way, existing utility easements, and natural water surface areas) 7 All potential retention areas (1, 2,3) See Section 5.4.4, Tree Canopy Retention, of UDO I Tree Protection Plan 1 Property lines per the Existing Survey Sheet 2 The proposed percentage of existing tree canopy to be retained 3 Tree protection areas (must comply with Section 5.4.4, Tree Canopy Retention, of UDO) 4 Location of intersection sight distance areas for all road and driveway intersections (See EDCM for requirements) 5 Location, width, and type of all utility easements 6 Location of all buildings 7 Location of surface vehicle parking 8 Location of roadways and driveways and associated rights-of-way or easements 9 Location of sidewalk(s) and greenway(s) and associated easements
Morrisville, NC
August 7, 2023
Administrative Manual
Page 74
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