Morrisville UDO Administrative Manual_July 2023

Part 4. Appendices 4.8 Final Plat Standard Easement Blocks


Public Greenway Easement


All public greenway easements will be maintained by the Town of Morrisville and public access is granted.


Public Sidewalk Easement


All public sidewalk easements will be maintained by the Town of Morrisville and public access is granted.


Public Utility Easement


Easements intended for use of public utilities shall not be deemed to be dedicated to the public but shall be private easements for public utilities and shall be equitably shared among such utilities. This easement grants a public utility the right of entry for the purpose of maintaining any and all elements related to the exercise of the easement and of installing and maintaining their utility. This easement prohibits the owner from placing any permanent structures within the boundaries of the easement, but the property owner shall have the right to make any other use of the land not inconsistent with the rights of public utilities, or the other uses as noted on the plat. A public utility shall have the right to trim or remove trees that interfere with their use of the easement.


Sight Triangle Easement


Within the sight triangle nothing shall be erected, placed, planted, or allowed to grow in such a manner as to impede the sight vision at the intersection and the maximum height of any material shall not exceed 3 ½ feet, in accordance with the Town of Morrisville Ordinance and NCDOT’s standards, as applicable.


Storm Drainage Easements

Private Storm Drainage Easement


All private storm drainage easements and stormwater control measures will be maintained by the association (homeowners’, prop erty owner’s, or similar entity, etc.). The Town of Morrisville will accept no responsibility to maintain any storm drainage structures or easements except those lying within a formally accepted public right-of-way or easement. This easement grants the association a right of entry for the purpose of maintaining any and all structures related to the exercise of the easement and of installing and maintaining the storm sewer system. This easement prohibits, within the boundaries of the easement, any construction which will obstruct or interfere with the natural flow of the watercourse. This easement prohibits any permanent structures or encroachments including, but not limited to fill slopes, retaining walls, fencing, sheds, or landscaping to be permitted or constructed within or over any drainage easement. Any such obstructions will be removed as necessary for maintenance and access purposes and will not be repaired or replaced.

Public Storm Drainage Easement


Maintenance of the Public Drainage Easement is the responsibility of the underlying property owner(s). The easement allows the NCDOT and the Town of Morrisville the right to access the drainage easement and perform work it deems necessary or prudent to alleviate any issues jeopardizing the integrity of the roadway. It is the responsibility of the underlying property owner(s) to maintain the easement, and the underlying infrastructure within the easement, to allow positive conveyance of stormwater. The easement prohibits any construction which will obstruct or interfere with the natural flow of the watercourse. Any such obstructions will be removed, at the underlying property owner(s) expense, as necessary for maintenance and access purposes.

Morrisville, NC

August 7, 2023

Administrative Manual

Page 86

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