Morrisville UDO Administrative Manual_July 2023

Part 2. Application Review Procedures 2.4 Additional Application Procedures

Examination of backfill materials and any drainage systems for compliance with plans and specifications.

Things to Know ▪

These requirements apply to all commercial construction, which include retaining walls and grades falling within the criteria described in NCBC 1807.2.5 and those others deemed necessary by the Town. ▪ The Town may apply the above criteria to residential projects where retaining walls impact public use, public or private access areas, span across property lines, or as deemed necessary by the Town.

Retaining Wall Review Procedure

1. Design and Submittal Requirements

The submittal of a standalone set of construction plans with corresponding design calculations and specifications for the retaining wall system, prepared and sealed by a Professional Engineer registered in the state of North Carolina.

▪ This submittal must note the minimum required soil testing and quality assurance inspections that would be provided during earthwork and wall construction operations. ▪ No structural component of any retaining wall can be located within a right-of-way, perimeter or streetyard buffer, or easement.

Retaining Walls

▪ Tie backs must be shown on the plans. Railings, guardrails, traffic barriers, etc., must be installed along the edges of retaining wall structures as identified on the approved construction plans and the corresponding retaining wall plans.

Application Submittal and Acceptance

2. Construction Requirements

Staff Review and Comments

▪ Construction of retaining walls may proceed only after the Town has reviewed and issued a Released for Construction letter. This release for construction does not represent a full technical review of the submittal, and it is the Engineer of Record’s respo nsibility to ensure all design parameters and construction techniques specified within the documents are in accordance with Federal, State, and Local code requirements and industry standards to protect the health, safety, and welfare of the public. ▪ The owner shall be required to engage inspection and testing services, including independent laboratories, to provide quality assurance and testing services throughout the construction of all retaining walls.

Application Revisions

Follow-Up Staff Review

Post Construction Documentation

▪ Testing and inspection services shall only be performed by qualified and experienced technicians and engineers. At a minimum, quality assurance testing must include foundation soil inspection, soil and backfill testing, verification of design parameters, and observation of construction for general compliance with design drawings and specifications. 3. Post Construction ▪ On completion of retaining wall(s) construction, the Engineers will be required to submit a certification report along with field inspection reports and test results to the Town, certifying that retaining walls are constructed per the engineered drawings, in compliance with Section 1807.2.5 of the NC Building code.

Right-of-Way Encroachment Agreement

This procedure allows accessory structures to be located in a public street right-of-way maintained by the Town. It is most commonly used to allow a residential subdivision to locate a subdivision identification sign, fountain, or other identifying feature for the subdivision in the median of a principal entrance street into the subdivision.

Morrisville, NC

July 2023 Page 2-14

Administrative Manual

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